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Slap the person above you
*slaps zdunklee because this is a direct quote from Biff who agrees with me*

Admin Wrote:Yah, okay, let me make this really clear:

No nudity. Now I realize that the only nudity is a butt crack but that picture might be over the line as far as proboards TOS is concerned.

Now until we have our own board where we can have our own rules about these sorts of things, might I suggest running the links by a moderator before posting them here?

By the way zdunklee you're a douchebag for trying to get us kicked off of here. You fart knocker!!!!

For the record it is impossible to manipulate quotes so don't think that any mischief was going on.
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.

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