03-12-2009, 11:01 AM
Philly Mike Wrote:zdunklee Wrote:Not true, and you don't round .444... to .4445 where they hell did you learn to round? .4444... = 4/9 and that is not an estimation it is the exact value of .4444..., simply put they are called RATIOnal, which strictly means a ratio of two integers, which is why they are represented by a fraction in the first place.
The real numbers is the name of the system, called such in a response to the imaginary numbers which were found and named first. It doesn't translate literally to mean real.
Which brings me back to the point that the fraction is just the division of the numbers not showing the actual answer because it is simpler it would be the same as saying instead of writing the number 2 i will just write 1+1, they mean the same thing but 1+1 is the incomplete way of doing it. the difference is that with fractions and infinite decimals the fraction is just showing a rounded version of the infinite because it is easier.
What the hell man, how many times do I have to say this: FRACTIONS ARE NOT ROUNDED! The only way they are rounded is if you are incapable of working with infinity and round off the decimal expansion at some point in your own head, which is apparently the case. Even Calculators do not round off fractions...
In mathematics, real mathematics not the mathematics in your head, if a number is rational it is always taken as a fraction or its whole number representation, it is never taken as the decimal because the decimal would lead to bad calculations not being able to extend it to infinity.
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