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Eff this, philly mike is an idi0t, ask zdunklee.
Philly Mike Wrote:
dingdongyo Wrote:i blame mike.

is verizon hiring?

I blame both

eff you rock , and mike. effing jerks

zdunklee Wrote:Limit {0, 9/10, 99/100, 999/1000,...} = 1 and that sequence is 0.999...
I understand that this was shown in your calculus thing. but this is just a longer fancier way of saying 0.999... = 1 without showing how it equals 1
as i said with the apple 0.999... of an apple is the apple with basically a molecule missing from the skin. but that is still not a whole apple. it basically rounds to being a whole apple but literally it is not whole. just like 0.999... is not a whole it is missing that very little bit to make it 1

No it is not, it is how the real numbers are defined, and it is the only way they are defined. Jesus, how many times do I have to say that.

Basically what you are arguing is like me saying this sentence is red. Now prove to me that it isn't.
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