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Eff this, philly mike is an idi0t, ask zdunklee.
zdunklee Wrote:
wingospagettio Wrote:Holy Ess! Are you one of those people that when asked for directions will say "Drive 1.4532 miles and make a 90 degree turn to the north, continue on for 275 yards or 825 feet and make 90 turn to the west....etc. etc."

No, I am just saying that every single number has multiple representations and even in math the preferred way to write them is whatever one is the simpliest, which is why if you do get a number like 0.999... you write it as a 1.
I understand where everyone is coming from and I can't believe this thread has gone on for 6 pages. My point is, when would a normal person run into a time when they have to use this in their daily life? My company rounds their sales up to the nearest dollar if it's $.50 and over and down for $.49 and under. Just not sure where Joe or Jane Six-Pack would ever run into a situation where they would need this. I will now watch from the sidelines to see how this all works out. Please resume your math dirty talk. :o

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