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Eff this, philly mike is an idi0t, ask zdunklee.
zdunklee Wrote:Yes, I called you an idi0t compared to me, which you are when it comes to math (math being all math combined not just the easy normal everyday stuff). I say it generally like that because compared to me you don't have near the education or understanding of mathematics which by definition makes you an idi0t when compared to myself or any other mathematics majors. Just as I would consider myself an idi0t compared to business or history majors in that subject.

Hell even stats people like Allyson I would consider myself an idi0t, cause math and stats(they have what I consider effed up equations with weird symbols that I don't know what they mean) are for sure not the same thing and I would be able to get by for what I needed it for, but would never know the details as well as I am sure she does.

Regardless what manner you meant it in, if you call someone idi0t, don't get surprised if they get pissed. It is a strong word with harsh meaning with the only purpose of diminishing ones character. It is like being in a bar, flipping someone off and expecting them not to get upset about it.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]

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