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Whats the last movie you watched
Doktor Wrote:It's a shame for people to accept Batman they have to rape the franchise take away everything from it that made it Batman. eff the Dark Knight and eff the billion dollars it made off casual viewer fags.

Watchmen is the most well adapted from it's original medium to screen. Ever. It was nearly scene by scene out of the comic, and the only thing that changed was the ending, which actually made more sense in the film.

yeah... well you see here's the thing. you are comparing 2 different beasts, and this is the most annoying thing I get when I see and hear fanboys talk. you claim they rape batman and watchmen is well adapted, but you can't/shouldn't compare a movie to it's written counterpart. The same thing happened with the whiners complaining about LOTR,you hear them saying they cut out too much, why didn't they have the battle at the shire, blah blah blah...

Just like LOTR the black knight was it's own movie based off of characters and a story that was written. The problem is that if you translate the written medium as closely as possible the viewer will end up losing out on a lot of things unless they religiously followed the written version before they watched the movie. Thing is the general person doesn't do that, and when that happens they may as well just not make a movie because of the fact that those "casual viewer fags" won't get half of it and in order for them to actually get it they would have to make the movie longer, and possibly more drawn out thus people losing interest.

Bottom line is the movie industry is there to make money, if you want to make a complete video reenactment you will more than likely lose money. If you are such a fan of the original story then just stick with the book because in order for things to be transfered to the medium of video it will have to be changed, that is just the nature of the beast. If you actually pay attention to dark knight as a movie goer and not a nerdy fanboy you will actually enjoy the movie for being a movie.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]

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