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Mad Dog Wrote:And it would depend on the timing of the killing. If he were killed pre-WWII then this would have been a totally different planet. Especially considering much of our modern technology was born during WWII fighting him. If Hitler was killed during during his failed assassination attempt, I suspect very little would have been different since the mechanisms that shaped our world were already in place at that time.

^This. Killing Hitler pre-WWII would have a far greater effect on society than just having more Jewish people. WWII made the US a superpower. Had the US not been in such a powerful position when JFK became president, he may not have been shot. He probably wouldn't even have been president. Maybe this is supposed to be as simple as "save millions of handicapped, Jewish, and people who just got in the way from genocide" or "prevent a presidential assassination", but it's not. I think I'm too conflicted to answer. You can bitch at me and say I'm condemning millions to death, but how many millions would have died had the medical advances from WWII not been brought back after the war? I can't do the math, but I'm sure it's also a lot. There are also the deaths of the soldiers fighting the war and innocent citizens that need to be considered, so who the Eff knows?

Too tough to answer for me.

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