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Pot legalization on the way?
hoshi Wrote:Pot is a schedule II drug. This means it can be prescribed, but with a shitton of restrictions...for good reason.

Pot will not be made legal without a prescription for a long time. Which I say is a good thing. A friend of mine died when she was 16 because some stoner, high off his ass on weed, hit her head on with his vehicle (around a curve) because he "didn't realize" it was a one way street even thought he lived there.

By the way, illegal drugs used to be taxed in TN. Drug dealers could pay taxes on sold goods anonymously. Sounds dumb, right? This so-called "crack tax" raised $6 million in the 3 years it was active, because if the taxes were not paid and you were caught, they took cars or whatever to pay the money you owed. All of it went to state drug programs.

Kinda awesome, I think.

So you think alcohol should be completely banned too then right? It does a damn fine job of impairing judgment, yet is legal.

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