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People that Hate you.
Peachs Wrote:what an efftard... there was a girl in college that routinely ate my food.. I'd label it, put it on its own shelf in the pantry and in the fridge. No matter... I guess my food tasted better than hers for some reason... One day I laced brownies with laxatives and left them in the fridge with MY name on them.. She's hated me since

This story sounds really familiar. Almost like someone else had it a few months ago, then you reposted it as your own..... ???

sunshyne Wrote:The problem started 2 years after I had been there. They had hired a bunch of new people, some temp-workers, and somebody was stealing other peoples lunches before first break. There were meetings about it, everyone was asked to stop it they were doing it. It didn't stop. No one was caught, no one would confess. It made me mad. People there would give you the shirt off their backs if you were really in need, and to steal from them when it wasn't neccessary sucks.

I got fed up, so when I got home, I made a pan of brownies. Just regular brownies. But i cut two brownies out and iced them with a mixture of dove hot fudge sundae topping and NINE bars of chocotae ex-lax all melted together. They looked delicious. I put them on a plate covered them with plastic wrap and put a note on them that said "Janna's brownies, Please DO NOT EAT".

I put them in the refrigerator at work the next day, they were gone before break. I told my supervisor what I had done, so all we had to do is wait just a little while to find our thief.

At lunch break, we were all sitting in the breakroom. This girl named Josie (who shaved off her eye brows and drew them on thats another story, funny though) was talking, stopped suddenly, turned white as a sheet of paper, and ran from the room. She spent the next three hours in the bathroom. She resigned the next day, and everyone knew what I had done, and knew that she was the lunch thief. It was talked about years afterwards.
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."

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