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GM = Government Motors ???
zdunklee Wrote:I'm not blaming either party, both Bush and Obama have done basically the exact same things. At this point Obama hasn't done anything worse than what Bush did, so that is why I am taking a wait and see attitude, I mean we will know in 2 months what is going on anyway.
Really? Bush passed a bill to spend over a trillion dollars? With a good chunk of that dedicated towards establishing a doomed national healthcare system? I think I missed that one. As much as "Bush's War" (as some people like to refer to it as) put us in debt, our current President's budget is taking national debt to ever-growing heights. I realize that having some national debt is essential, provided the money's being used in promising ways.. but I don't see that right now. I hope I'm wrong.

zdunklee Wrote:We have always been partly a socialist country as it is, not like it has ever truly been a free market system, because that would completely fail.

Perhaps we have, but never so much as recently. We're turning into a nanny state, where the government begins to make decisions for the people. It's time society remembered that politicians are supposed to work towards establishing the will of the people.. of course, given most people's attitudes nowadays that may not be the best approach. I think we're beginning to reap what we've sown.
Where would we be without the agitators of the world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?

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