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Question about a Family Guy episode
The GR local FOX affiliate has episodes of Family Guy on @ 6PM. On Friday they had the episode where Brian and Stewie go to Aspen, CO to rescue Rupert. (Woulda been a great place to insert a Dumb & Dumber or a Better Off Dead reference) There's a sequence where Stewie does a dance number with a live action Gene Kelly. It looks like it was done with an animated character from the get-go. Then they edited out that character and replaced it with Stewie. Does anyone know the context of the Gene Kelly clip and where it came from?

On a side note, there's a potential sound drop in this episode that I don't think the guys have. Meg is driving Peter around and she slams on the brakes and another car rear-ends her. The driver shouts at her, "What the hell is wrong with you, you dumb bimbo!?"

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