04-02-2009, 09:29 AM
Krystal Wrote:Mad Dog Wrote:OK. In my view there is always climate change. Whether or not humans exist, there WILL be climate change. Look at the climate of the Earth over the last Two Billion years and you will find it has been through wild swings, with out the aid of humans one way or another. The climate will change and it is up to us to adapt.
People who think that the life styles of humanity as a whole will be the end of us all are nothing but a bunch of Chicken Littles and busy bodies that want a road into having a political say over what our life styles are.
I agree with you 175%. The earth goes through natural warming and cooling processes. Eventually it will reset itself.
Sure will... maybe at the expense of the human race....
I basically agree with everything Penn and Teller said on their 'Bullshit' show about Global Warming and how it is bullshit that people are spreading the word like an epidemic trend to cash in on... however, I do think it is in our best interest to go greener, no matter if it helps stop Global Warming or not, it is always better to live in harmony with our environment as it really is the only planet out there that we can live on. I love people who say we can, in the future pack up all of our shit and move to a new planet... WTF?!?! The nearest GALAXY is LIGHTYEARS away and that galaxy won't necessarily have a planet that we can live on... which means that we would have to go even MORE lightyears to find a planet that MIGHT support life... (if you don't know what that means, look up LIGHTYEAR and realize that humans don't LIVE long enough to make it to a new Galaxy...)
It is so funny, because people are all about 'SAVE THE EARTH' when they don't realize that the earth doesn't need saving, it's great at saving itself... as a matter of fact it is what she does best is save herself; she gets too hot, she cools down... She gets to cold she heats up... and she doesn't give two shits if it kills all of the life on the planet to get herself back to equalibrium. As a matter of fact, it has happened before that almost all life has become extinct... and it happened because of excessive Co2 in the atmosphere (this was way before cars by the way...)
All I am saying is the people who have those 'Save the Humans' bumper stickers on their cars have the right idea... There has never ever in the history of earth been a species that has not become extinct, I don't know why humans think they are so special... then again there has never been another speicies on this planet with the knowledge that we have. Guess well just have to wait and see. Sorry, I just realized that I went off on a tangent...