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Right now I'm....
Rock Monster Wrote:
peachs Wrote:am really pissed off at the boyfriends roommate... He's being a TOTAL douche-nozzle about how much time I spend their place... where the Eff else am I going to stay after driving 3 hours to see him?? get a Effing clue man... or at least get laid so your panties aren't all up in a twist all the damn time....

sorry all about posting about the bf, just needed a second to rant about how shitty that fucker is...

I hate taking sides without knowing more facts, but....

Are you staying there more than a couple times a week? Are you helping pay for the Water,heat,garbage, etc.? I would be pissed too if my room mate's gf was there 10-15 nights a month, and didn't help out with the bills.

first time he got pissy about it I offered, it was in the beginning of Ev and I's relationship... He/I/We all mostly just laughed it off and passed on the subject. I do a lot around of stuff around the house when I'm there though, Dishes, Cooking, Taking out the trash, I've even cleaned the bathroom and livingroom once or twice...

I would gladly help out with the rent/bills ect if he had only come to me like an adult and not been such a prickfacebaby about the entire situation...

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