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Hot Wings=Whiney Bitter Conservative
I'm the first guy to make fun of Hot Wings and I'm extremely liberal but I don't think he's a bitter conservative. I've listened to the show enough over the years that I feel like I have a good handle on how he reacts to stupid things on both sides of the aisle. Anyone is going to be more critical of the side that won when it's not their side. When Bush did stupid things HW would absolutely acknowledge them but his response was less "eff you" and more "I can't believe you guys are being so stupid."

It's like when your favorite sports team sucks. The non-crazy fanatics acknowledge their team's suckiness but then try to move on because it's embarrassing for them as well.

Sometimes I'd say he's a little unfair. For example, today's commentary annoyed me because it seemed really petty. But that's the exception. Ninty-nine times out of one hundred he's pretty fair with bashing anyone who does something stupid.


The real problem is that "What Hot Wings Thinks" still exists. I don't care what side of the aisle you fall on. That segment is always sinfully boring. Thank God it's only a couple of minutes long and I can skip the replay. Wink
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