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Bleeps in Flashbacks
-Jiggy- Wrote:
plungerhand Wrote:
-Jiggy- Wrote:
Rock Monster Wrote:
-Jiggy- Wrote:Going back and reading this, your right Mayor. Consider this my formal edit of my original post. I'm keeping everything I said but take out the "get over it" part. Not sure why I put that in there. :oops:

You were peobably trying to run off more members! :lol:

If I give you a few names, can you try to run them off? Lets start with that Howie character...

I don't think I could even if I wanted to. I'm still not even sure I know what I did in the first place though to run the other one off?

I have been in contact with all the members you have run off. FBHW's have agreed to sponsor a "cage match" style event set in Springfield, IL at their upcoming tour to settle all grievances.
Email Zane for details.

Wow! There's really a "list" of people that have left because of me. Big Grin

I would be proud and honored to fight every one of those bastards. You can't fight me Mark, you gotta be my trainer. You probably know pressure points and stuff.

Well that does it....I'm outta dis bitch, I hate you Jiggy and want to fight.
"What you are about to see is top secret. Do not tell my mother."

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