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Right now I'm....
Was working the door last night at the big afterparty for the skating competition. We rented out one half of a bar. A few drunk mingers who weren't with our group kept trying to get in, and would start to whine when they were told it was a private party. After being turned away twice they spent the rest of their time standing just outside of our area, glaring at us.

Some of the complaints I got from people at this party were so stupid...

The first group of people to arrive showed up about quarter to eight. They asked us if there would be food. We told them that we were providing free appetizers, which would start at 8:30, but if they were looking for "more" they were welcome to order food from the main menu. "So this place doesn't have any food?"

One lady came to me, "Do you allow smoking in bars here in Michigan?" I told her that some do, but mentioned that the half of the building we rented out is smoke free, so any smoke was drifting over from the other side. "Well, in California, where I'm from, we don't let people smoke in places like this." Really? Good for you. You're in Michigan, deal with it.

And of course there were a handful of people who got pissy that it was a cash bar. "You put this bracelet on me, and you mean to tell me it doesn't get me a free drink?" Nope, that bracelet is so the bouncer knows you don't need to be kicked out from our side of the building, and it's our way of counting how many people are here.

Then, perhaps best of all, was the woman who kept coming up to me, telling me somebody owed her money. "Hey, do you know where ____ is?" Sorry, I don't. "Well you make sure she knows she owes me money." Will do. Three times she approached me, looking for this person. And I honestly don't think she had been drinking.

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