05-04-2009, 04:50 PM
mayorofawesometown Wrote:How gay do you have to be to not enjoy Carmen's laugh?
Titan! Wrote:Am I the only one who thinks the show would flourish with a female view point ?
Flourish? Eh. It could work but it'd have to be a chick the guys were 100% comfortable with that acted as if she was just one of the guys. Sadly, my "Fire Hot Wings and replace him with Stephanie Webb" campaign is still only one person strong.
Sadly, Stephanie Webb is the one gal the guys have the most history with on air and it still is not as comfortable as when it's just them, or them with a guy they know. She's a great person, but she doesn't dish it out or as naturally let loose with them.
This hypothetical perfect woman member of the show would have to:
be perverted,
have an enjoyable, genuine, and not overdone laugh,
contribute in a non-self-conscious manner,
have an attractive voice,
dish it out without being prickly,
have a great sense of humor,
be a good story-teller,
& be intelligent, but at least occasionally humble.
Being able to beat Zane in some sort of feats of strength contest, bold enough to attempt/assist in stunts, being cool with but not contributing to farts, and throwing in the occasional apt "that's what (s)he said" are all bonuses.
Humans are not rational beings, they are rationalizing
Practice safe sex, do it in a Volvo ___________ "Shut up", he explained.