05-05-2009, 10:11 AM
patfromportland Wrote:As much as it really, and I mean REALLY pains me to say this....but it seams as if they are selling out. My heart drops every time I think about that, and I almost shed a tear. Everything is just so obvious, and so coincidental that it is just reeeaaaalllllyyyyyy fishy.
And it is not KB's fault for the NTT disaster. THE NEW FORMAT WAS SET UP TO FAIL! Free beer wanted it gone a long time ago, and was just looking for a reason to get rid of it.
I'm a podcaster but was preoccupied all last week, so I apologize for just getting to this now.
It's way more than likely that this was indeed a large fail, however, listening to The Final Edition of NTT "big disaster," I got the feeling that this segment was a set-up. I won't point any fingers, because even I don't believe it, but the odds if IKB putting a bunch of Zane-getables, and when we don't really watch the dice rolls, and this only being the second Monday edition (I believe). Again, it's gotta be a 99% chance that this game just failed and pissed off FB enough, But it does give me a funny feeling that I don't want to and don't believe; of the Death of NTT being staged.
On a positive note, I have an excellent ringtone now, thanks guys!
-Good evening, Scotty