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Boy on bike
You guys ever see that youtube video of the little kid getting the Eff scared out of him by the maze scare thing? He couldn't have been more than 7 years old. The maze scare prank scared the shit out of me when I was 34 years old and I saw it for the first time, I can't imagine how that 7 year old could process it.

He's playing along, trying to complete the maze without hitting the sides, and he's clearly having innocent fun with it. Suddenly the horrifying image pops up with equally horrifying sound, and he instantly starts to cry, not knowing how to deal with what just happened. What really got me was when he was walking around, crying, dazed, and he started rubbing his eyes. He was trying to remove the experience from his head, and that was the only thing he could think to do.

Meanwhile, whoever's operating the camera continues to humiliate him by keeping it trained on the boy as he stumbles around the room, in shock, needing to be consoled.

The feeling I had of wanting to beat the piss out of the camera operator was only surpassed by the overwhelming feeling of needing to reach through the screen and hold the poor kid.

If my kid hurts himself, that's one thing, but the second someone else hurts his feelings, it's on. That's the shit I can not deal with.

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