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Boy on bike
If this was MY kid I would have let him do the jump. I would have made sure he started out on something smaller probably, and he would probably have had elbow pads on too. The kid was wearing a helmet.

Sure, as his dad, or just as a responsible adult, I would have helped the kid after he fell, made sure that if he really was hurt he would have gotten the medical attention he needed, and would have probably tried to come up with a good way to explain it to his mom.

Doing stunts like this is a great way for boys to build self esteem. The first time I jumped over a milk crate on my Huffy I felt like I owned the world.

This is part of what I mentioned in another thread, the world is just too damn sensitive these days. You can't say black, because it might offend someone with dark skin, you can't let kids play on the swings without helmets cause they might get hurt.

I look back at all the crazy shit we did as kids, and compare that to the safety conscious world we live in and I wonder how the hell I survived.
Wowie Groovie !

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