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Has this show gone downhill recently?
I haven't posted in ages, and I am surprised at just how little activity this board has. I remember it being so much more active than this, but I suppose that is how message boards often go.

I've been podcasting for a while and find myself starting to listen less and less. The reasons for that are various, but include:

- The elimination of NTT. I have seen it has been brought up here and beaten to death, but eliminating a segment that is such a fan favorite and that people look forward to seems like a mistake. I would bet there are a lot of people here who, like myself, looked forward to that segment each week.

- The elimination of STS. While probably not as universally loved as NTT, I would bet that Stump the Show was at least regarded as entertaining for most people here. It's a segment I usually looked forward to on my podcast, because of the interaction the guys would have with the listeners (often negative), and because it was somewhat fun to try and answer the trivia questions. When they stopped doing it after the one bad day they had, it seemed awfully contrived that they would make that decision based on just one day. I'm sure they wanted an excuse to get rid of it, and found the chance when listeners asked nothing but minutia questions.

- The introduction of new segments like "Stephen Hawking Sings" and "Paired With an Idiot". They're both giant snoozefests and from what I've read here so far, it seems like I'm not alone here. The Stephen Hawking bit may be the worst I've heard yet, as it is neither funny nor entertaining in the least. Paired With an Idiot is a snoozer too, after all, how many people want to listen to the 100,000 dollar pyramid on the radio?

- They need to reign in Zane a little bit when he becomes a bit too stuck on something. For instance, if anybody listened to the segment about how songs can cause heart problems, how many times in a row did they play that "Christmas Conga" song? Was there anybody who wasn't thinking "move it along already"? Or today, where Zane consistantly was using "duck" instead of the explitive in the last bit about the prostitute in Iowa. It derailed it to the point where FB basically had to cut it short and go to break. I would find it hard to believe anybody found using "duck" for 2 minutes instead of a swear word was really that humorous. I don't think this used to be as much of a problem but I notice it more.

So anyhow, I realize that most people will react angrily and tell me to stop listening if I don't like it, which I may. I've been a loyal listener since nearly day 1 here in Nashville and find the show is less entertaining now than it ever has been. Unlike others, I don't blame the syndicator really, I think there have been poor choices made and would hope they could listen to their fanbase more.

That said, what's your opinion? Has it become less interesting lately and what's to blame?

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