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Right now I'm....
potthole Wrote:Looks like I'm going to need another trip to the golf course...

I know with the job situation as it is in this country, I should just be thankful I've got a job, but damn if the crap I've been dealing with the past week hasn't been completely awful.

Sorry to hear this Potty, My boss is a dick too but I just tell him to F off and leave me alone.

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:Right now I'm:

concerned about an oil leak

From your truck or your ass ?

Seriously with your truck I'd be more concerned if it wasn't leaking something.

Queenie Wrote:Just returned from another Dr visit. They are making me wear a heart monitor and the freakin wires and tape is driving me crazy!! :thumbdown:

Holy F ! ! ! I really hope this is just some kind of routine no big deal just taking a look kind of thing.

Wow, what a bunch of downer posts today. :x Hang in there guys it's got to get better, into every life a little rain must fall, don't pee in the pool, and God Bless America.

I'll lighten the mood.

Right now I'm...

Watching The Simpsons, goofing off in the chat room, working on baseball photos, and gettig ready for a nice long walk. Yay, 80 degree weather ! Woo
Wowie Groovie !

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