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Right now I'm....
mainerliser Wrote:
Titan! Wrote:
misstiger10 Wrote:Realizing that my ex will probably never again pay child support on my daughter, and she's 5. He's an Effer.

Aren't there laws that protect you from this ?

The laws are a joke especially the father is a non-motivated ass! The LAW says you HAVE to allow visitation EVEN if they don't pay child support. Taking away a drivers license for not paying child support is stupid....IT DOESN"T WORK!!

Yea, the child support laws are horrible. I HAVE to let him have her every weekend like the paperwork says and I can't withhold her for non-payment. I've not heard of them taking their licenses, but that seems license = no way to work = no money to pay support = STUPID. As long as he files his taxes, the state jumps in and takes it and sends it to me. And they only did that because the child support services office has it in their computer that he hasn't paid. They have tried to file contempt charges, but it has to be moved counties, and we are still waiting on a new case #. Which has taken over 4 months and I still haven't heard anything about a court date. So, ya gotta love dead beat dads. And what takes the cake is that he thinks he is in the right. He tells me that he's paid the state and i must have gotten the checks and lied to the state, or they lost it.....but I've talked to every state entity that handles child support or has anything to do with child welfare and none have any record of even a phone call.

Ok, I feel better now. Got all that off my chest.
What? I didn't do it.

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