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Good Morning!
Great idea! If so, would it be possible to post it? I'd like that for a ringtone also.

There is a way to send yourself an audio clip if you have iTunes and a Verizon phone. You need to shorten the sound clip to just be the sound that you want. Right click on the song, click Get Info, then Options to enter the start and end times desired, and OK. Then right click on the song again and select Convert Selection to mp3. Then you will have a second version of the song. Figure out which one is the shorter version (with just the sound clip) and find where it's located on your hard drive. Find it in your hard drive, then right click and select Rename to change the extension to ".mid" for example nameofsong.mid. Finally... go into your email, attach the .mid file, and send it to your number, eg <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->. When you receive it on your phone, you may have to save it as an audio file before making it your ringtone. Capisce?
That's what she said.

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