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Has this show gone downhill recently?

I hate the fact that the DTZ jackpot is $3600. I wish they were still giving away $100 a week. That way zane would only have to win for 9 months straight to get the jackpot that high. Having a chance to win a laptop once a month, or a 30G ipod every week REALLY pisses me off. The new web site sucks too. What the hell are they doing? Trying to get better? They should just keep doing the same thing they always have. That's clearly what's made you so succesful. Hang in there a few more years and when mommy dies you'll have the house all to yourself. Now that's success!!

I realize your still upset because "friends" went off the air but your gonna have to cope sooner or later. Seriously, do you think their stupid? I have a feeling they might know what their doing. I'm sure NTT and STT would be great when they all hated doing them. How many other morning shows would you take the time to go on a message board and whine about. Quit being so fussy ya bunch of babies. I bet your a real pleasure to deal with in a real crisis like when it gets dark outside or your cats stop "talking" to you.

Oh i for got one more thing shit ass. There I swore now it's funny.

You can leave if you like....the door is that way--->
What? I didn't do it.

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