06-02-2009, 01:56 PM
plumpenut Wrote:What a penis-breath thing to do!!!! I wasn't even aware that they had done this... See what happens when you sleep in? You miss the morning show and miss important information like this.Allyson Wrote:a little annoyed with the guys. They keep saying how the people on the messageboard keep whining about the new site. Well of course we were at first - they'd be pissed too if a site they used to enjoy for free now seemingly cost money to browse. Once that was cleared up the whining stopped (except for their new board which is still unacceptable). They act like the listeners were all irrational about being pissed about the new site, I think it was justified.
I agree with you about being a little annoyed. The one thing that they wont even acknowledge is that they took off the listener run message board. You have to be a vip to be part of their message board. That is the one thing that is different. I think the one thing that just bothers me is that they threw us to the side without an explanation. Maybe it is my fault for thinking they were different than other people. I will not be giving them the benefit of the doubt now. As for the new board, I dont really have to visit it anymore since this site is not linked.