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15 second fight!

I hope all the people that sent the hateful emails realize they were being asses. Thanks for saving us Queenie, that is indeed why you are the MVP. I knew the guys weren't doing this to be jerks, and before they could say anything on the matter, they were attacked. While I agree that was unfair, I think it sucks that they didn't voice it and were just ignoring things said by just saying "eff it".

I don't podcast, nor do I plan on it, I don't have access on my home computer to podcast and its bad enough that I post while at work. I just get up on time to listen and hopefully can make it to work in time to turn on the live stream online to get to hear WHWT. But that's their peroggative, I rarely went to their website anyway. Maybe, when the economy gets better and I'm not poor, I will have the spare $30 to podcast and be a VIP, as I'm sure being a VIP will have other benefits.

I do think its cool of them to include current podcasters as VIPs, I wish however you could be a VIP for a cheaper rate if you didn't care about the podcasting.

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