06-06-2009, 10:12 PM
uhohspagettio Wrote:After watching the 2 disappointing games for us Red Wings fans in Pittsburgh and the play in Game 4 of their 2 guys that are really good ( for some reason I can't remember their names), I was going to give them the benefit of the doubt should the Wings lose Game 5. Eff that. Those 2 are the biggest douches the NHL has ever seen when it comes to losing. Grow the Eff up you little bitches. Take your lumps like a man and say see you in Pittsburgh. The Red Wings showed the maturity it takes to win. They probably could have scored another 5 on the backup if they wanted, but were smart enough to know that Crosbitch and company would have gotten even stupider and tried taking Franzen or Holmstrom's head off with their sticks. Great game Red Wings, go Eff yourselves penguins. :evil:
Agreed, they are even worse sports than Chicago was. For two "stars" they sure have a lot of maturing to do to learn how to lose with dignity. I hope Kronwall gets a good shot at one of them in game 6, that will shut those pussy bitches up.
"What you are about to see is top secret. Do not tell my mother."