06-09-2009, 09:06 PM
Torque Wrote:steev Wrote:The transition of VIP info from the mytown server to the nox server is underway. Rest assured, it's being worked on. I'll give you guys more info as I get it. Thanks for being patient!
Oh Steve, don't lie, only 2% of the population is being patient
I wasn't going to comment on this whole fbhw forum revolution that I missed but after finally catching up on the past 2 weeks of podcasts my silent rage has dissolved into dopey confusion. I received warnings that everyone was going nuts because of the whole VIP thing and paying to see things on the new site but it all seems kind of rediculous. The guys mentioned ~10x a day right from the get-go that VIP=podcasting plus extra benefits, that there was no conspiracy with the new board against this one, that current podcasters would eventually be transitioned, and that the site was being fixed to allow everything previously free to remain free.
I understand a lot of people only listen to part or bits of the show, but personally that would only justify sending an email in the form of a question and not an accusation (unless we're talking about NTT, in which case, some anger is understandable/encouraged). I'm definitely not saying everyone here or even a sizable portion of the board took the whacko approach, but listening to this mess erupt in the past week made ME feel GUILTY by association just for being a board member.
Don't get me wrong, there is such a thing as a healthly level of spite. I save mine mostly for people that walk slow or drivers that stop on an on ramp.
Lastly, thank you Queenie for getting our link up on the new site
I believe that after the initial first day and clarification of everything being the same and podcasting none of those issues ever came up. But they never really said anything but listener run message board, no web address anymore etc, once the new site launched. Then the proceeded to ignore all of us wondering why we were not being linked anymore which managed to piss a bunch of us off (including several mods) because it felt like we were being swept under the rug by the guys.
"What you are about to see is top secret. Do not tell my mother."