06-16-2009, 09:29 AM
As far as "free" healthcare goes, I wouldn't be so against it if it was actually going to work. People are going to abuse it, people that really need it wouldn't get it fast enough. I was watching a thing on tv about a week ago where they did interviews with people in Canada and UK. there was a woman in Canada that has had a broken wrist for two weeks but couldn't get in to see the doctor because the wait is that long. Sure, if the healthcare went to actual US citizens, again, it might not be so bad, but with 20 million illegal immigrants and more just waiting to come here, I don't think that americans and people that have actually become citizens legally should have to pay for their healthcare.
And as far as cost goes, that is a major concern too. They talk about only taxing the rich to pay for this. The major thing that a lot of people I listen to and read articles by talk about the unintended consequences of Government intervention. Once the rich are taxed to death and either leave the country, or are too poor to tax anymore, then who pays for it? Then cuts are made, the government tells you what to eat, what to drink, all for your own sake, to keep you healthy of course, cause if you're healthy then you don't need healthcare. :mrgreen: So then fat people start bootlegging cookies and smokers sell cigarettes on the street like drugs :crazy:
As far as our government and checks and balances, you are in denial if you think the government actually works like a democracy anymore. Oh sure we vote, we vote for the lesser of two evils. Two parties that hardly are seperatable at times. And if you think for one second that a politician in DC ACUALLY cares what the people think, you are mistaken, they will only pacify "the people" with a couple of things, just enough to keep them reelected.
The bailouts are a perfect example, they were voted against by the majority of the population, but they passed through congress and senate like they were on exlax. The politicians have a lot of stakes in the companies they are "saving" they just want to get their part out of it before they actually fail. The bailouts and spending, and takeovers, they are just bandaids over severed arteries.
Ha!, bandaid for a severed artery, that sounds like government healthcare to me.
And as far as cost goes, that is a major concern too. They talk about only taxing the rich to pay for this. The major thing that a lot of people I listen to and read articles by talk about the unintended consequences of Government intervention. Once the rich are taxed to death and either leave the country, or are too poor to tax anymore, then who pays for it? Then cuts are made, the government tells you what to eat, what to drink, all for your own sake, to keep you healthy of course, cause if you're healthy then you don't need healthcare. :mrgreen: So then fat people start bootlegging cookies and smokers sell cigarettes on the street like drugs :crazy:
As far as our government and checks and balances, you are in denial if you think the government actually works like a democracy anymore. Oh sure we vote, we vote for the lesser of two evils. Two parties that hardly are seperatable at times. And if you think for one second that a politician in DC ACUALLY cares what the people think, you are mistaken, they will only pacify "the people" with a couple of things, just enough to keep them reelected.
The bailouts are a perfect example, they were voted against by the majority of the population, but they passed through congress and senate like they were on exlax. The politicians have a lot of stakes in the companies they are "saving" they just want to get their part out of it before they actually fail. The bailouts and spending, and takeovers, they are just bandaids over severed arteries.
Ha!, bandaid for a severed artery, that sounds like government healthcare to me.