07-01-2008, 04:59 AM
mikeoxhard Wrote:I believe that religion was created at a time when people needed to be controlled.If this is true, then how come countries with higher rates of religiosity aren't any more orderly than other, more secular countries? Religion isn't exactly bringing a hell of a lot of order to the middle east now, is it? In some cases, religion provides the only means to draw a line between one group of people and another, and ultimately does nothing more than fuel the conflict and disorder. This whole concept of religion being necessary is groundless, and it's often propagated based on the entirely false notions that morality comes from religion and religious people are any more moral than nonreligious people.
We still need it. I consider myself to be agnositc, but have nothing but respect for ordinary religious people (not extremists) who wish to follow the laws of the bible. I think this because it still keeps control, and in an overpopulated society it is important that people be under control. Control being people commiting 'sins' but keeping it mostly under the radar.
You would be surprised at the dirty secrets of those who consider themselves devoted. Asking for forgiveness and believing you have been forgiven allows you to not go crazy.
It's easier for the simple minded to believe then to actually think about how things got here, for the undereducated it can be a scary place.
Your claim that believing a deity has forgiven you for your sins allows people to avoid going crazy is also ridiculous. Once again, religious people aren't any less likely to go crazy than those who are nonreligious. If anything, some strains of religion have reputations for promoting unhealthy guilt in their followers.
Besides that, your shot at theists needing religion because they are "simple minded" is offensive and shows a real lack of understanding on your part. So much for you having "nothing but respect" for religious people.