06-18-2009, 10:35 AM
For the love of God, PLEASE segment the podcasts. Allegedly I will be forced to listen to the single file starting Monday, but I hope not.
Richard M.
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Posted Jun 18, 8:30 AM
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Doesn't look like there are many supporters of the 4 hour podcast...
I, too, would like to throw my two cents in... I'd prefer being able to get the last on-air segment as soon as you guys go to break, and having to wait until the show is finished to be able to download it is a bit of a downer. Scuba Steve the web guy is getting off pretty easy here. But, unfortunately it appears you're set on the one large podcast...at least can you add the bookmarks so it does make skipping around alot easier.
Ryan J.
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Posted Jun 18, 6:50 AM
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I have a Zune which allows you to skip through the podcast in 1/4th increments. Even if the podcast was segmented by hours, that would at least give me the control to skip past a segment I already heard (flashbacks, replays) or the ones I don't like (STT, PWAI)
I think what is more annoying about this is now you have a new guy on hand who is dedicated to working the website and handling these online tasks and this is the exact same time that the podcast gets thrown under the bus. There is more capability to do the work that's been done, so now it's transitioning to a manner where less work gets done?
Please segment to at least an hour (the 15 minute breaks were best, but beggars can't be choosers)
Adam W.
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Posted Jun 18, 5:01 AM
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segment the podcast plz
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Posted Jun 17, 8:23 PM
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segment the podcast
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Posted Jun 17, 8:23 PM
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Definitely bring segments back. This whole one big file thing is not working.
Michael L.
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Posted Jun 17, 12:38 PM
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If you have one of these players, that would help with one issue, but not the issue of fast forwarding though the duplicated segments that always seem to happen or the replays of something that happened earlier in the week. Just go back to the segmenting. You're still doing it. I don't see the big problem with giving the people buying the podcast the format they want it in especially when it's the way you've been doing it until now.
8 posts
Posted Jun 17, 6:06 AM
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This post was edited after it was posted by smwoodcrafts at Jun 17, 6:06 AM
Actually MP3s include track data artist info and so forth, audio editors can add guidelines for bookmarks into this as well...
Also, a lot of MP3 players have the ability to add bookmarks to files on the fly. A simple google search gives you this list: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.andrewdavidson.com/articles/mp3-players-with-bookmarks/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.andrewdavidson.com/articles/ ... bookmarks/</a><!-- m --> also CNET has a roundup here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://reviews.cnet.com/mp3-players-with-bookmarking/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://reviews.cnet.com/mp3-players-with-bookmarking/</a><!-- m -->
I know buying a new MP3 player seems a bit of an over kill, but if you're in the market for one I hope this helps.
Maybe in the RSS field it would be a good idea to give segment lengths? How long the flashback is so I can know how far to fast forward? Or maybe when you're compiling the show into the big mp3 you leave out the repeated segments and make them separate like WHWT?
Norman B.
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Posted Jun 17, 5:32 AM
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All very good arguments. I think that whoever is reading this from the "staff" should see that this forum has the most responses of any other forum on the VIP site. It has more than twice as many views and responses as any other forum (the 2nd being the "problems with the podcast conversion" one. Not one person on here says they like it. I know I have had a miserable time with it the past few days. A 4 hour long file is just impossible for me to deal with.
If there is a good argument about why the hour long podcast is better for the guys on the show, the site "staff", anyone, please post it and I won't complain anymore. I mean good arguments too, something besides "industry standard" If someone would just come on and say "look, we're sorry, we see that there are a lot of complaints, but this is how it has to be because....." then I wouldn't care at all. I wouldn't care if it was just Zane coming on and saying "Hey, I'm lazy, this is easier". But saying it's "Industry standard" is kind of a cop-out.
David R.
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Posted Jun 16, 8:48 PM
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Most audio editors allow you to place "bookmarks" throughout a large audio file. This allows the listener to skip ahead easily much like a CD track. It's the industry standard for audio books.
For audio books, yes, but I don't believe the MP3 format allows you to place bookmarks or chapters into a file. And converting to a format other than MP3 would screw up listeners even more. IMHO, the best solution would be to offer a segmented podcast and a single-file podcast, and let the listener choose.
well it's not even that, the whole skip feature on most mp3 players will only skip to the next file.
Richard M.
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Posted Jun 18, 8:30 AM
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Doesn't look like there are many supporters of the 4 hour podcast...
I, too, would like to throw my two cents in... I'd prefer being able to get the last on-air segment as soon as you guys go to break, and having to wait until the show is finished to be able to download it is a bit of a downer. Scuba Steve the web guy is getting off pretty easy here. But, unfortunately it appears you're set on the one large podcast...at least can you add the bookmarks so it does make skipping around alot easier.
Ryan J.
1 posts
Posted Jun 18, 6:50 AM
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I have a Zune which allows you to skip through the podcast in 1/4th increments. Even if the podcast was segmented by hours, that would at least give me the control to skip past a segment I already heard (flashbacks, replays) or the ones I don't like (STT, PWAI)
I think what is more annoying about this is now you have a new guy on hand who is dedicated to working the website and handling these online tasks and this is the exact same time that the podcast gets thrown under the bus. There is more capability to do the work that's been done, so now it's transitioning to a manner where less work gets done?
Please segment to at least an hour (the 15 minute breaks were best, but beggars can't be choosers)
Adam W.
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Posted Jun 18, 5:01 AM
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segment the podcast plz
3 posts
Posted Jun 17, 8:23 PM
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segment the podcast
3 posts
Posted Jun 17, 8:23 PM
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Definitely bring segments back. This whole one big file thing is not working.
Michael L.
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Posted Jun 17, 12:38 PM
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If you have one of these players, that would help with one issue, but not the issue of fast forwarding though the duplicated segments that always seem to happen or the replays of something that happened earlier in the week. Just go back to the segmenting. You're still doing it. I don't see the big problem with giving the people buying the podcast the format they want it in especially when it's the way you've been doing it until now.
8 posts
Posted Jun 17, 6:06 AM
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This post was edited after it was posted by smwoodcrafts at Jun 17, 6:06 AM
Actually MP3s include track data artist info and so forth, audio editors can add guidelines for bookmarks into this as well...
Also, a lot of MP3 players have the ability to add bookmarks to files on the fly. A simple google search gives you this list: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.andrewdavidson.com/articles/mp3-players-with-bookmarks/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.andrewdavidson.com/articles/ ... bookmarks/</a><!-- m --> also CNET has a roundup here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://reviews.cnet.com/mp3-players-with-bookmarking/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://reviews.cnet.com/mp3-players-with-bookmarking/</a><!-- m -->
I know buying a new MP3 player seems a bit of an over kill, but if you're in the market for one I hope this helps.
Maybe in the RSS field it would be a good idea to give segment lengths? How long the flashback is so I can know how far to fast forward? Or maybe when you're compiling the show into the big mp3 you leave out the repeated segments and make them separate like WHWT?
Norman B.
3 posts
Posted Jun 17, 5:32 AM
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All very good arguments. I think that whoever is reading this from the "staff" should see that this forum has the most responses of any other forum on the VIP site. It has more than twice as many views and responses as any other forum (the 2nd being the "problems with the podcast conversion" one. Not one person on here says they like it. I know I have had a miserable time with it the past few days. A 4 hour long file is just impossible for me to deal with.
If there is a good argument about why the hour long podcast is better for the guys on the show, the site "staff", anyone, please post it and I won't complain anymore. I mean good arguments too, something besides "industry standard" If someone would just come on and say "look, we're sorry, we see that there are a lot of complaints, but this is how it has to be because....." then I wouldn't care at all. I wouldn't care if it was just Zane coming on and saying "Hey, I'm lazy, this is easier". But saying it's "Industry standard" is kind of a cop-out.
David R.
2 posts
Posted Jun 16, 8:48 PM
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Most audio editors allow you to place "bookmarks" throughout a large audio file. This allows the listener to skip ahead easily much like a CD track. It's the industry standard for audio books.
For audio books, yes, but I don't believe the MP3 format allows you to place bookmarks or chapters into a file. And converting to a format other than MP3 would screw up listeners even more. IMHO, the best solution would be to offer a segmented podcast and a single-file podcast, and let the listener choose.
well it's not even that, the whole skip feature on most mp3 players will only skip to the next file.
When they try to stick a needle in you with the H1N1 flu vaccine this fall...run as fast as you can the other way!