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After one year/One Year Anniversary
potthole Wrote:Heh, I remember that day well.

I was at worked and on a whim decided to hop over to the previously empty board. As soon as the page loaded my eyes got as big as plates-- there were people posting! And lots of them!

Quickly I logged in and started to look around. The place was like a wild west shootout. "No problem," I thought to myself, "I've got mod powers, I'll just do some cleanup work." I then stopped dead in my tracks, so-to-say, as I realized my mod powers weren't activated yet. It was then that I got on the horn and called Biff to let him know what was up.

The rest of the day was spent sneaking online for a minute here and there, checking to see just how insane stuff was getting over here. When I got home from work I was finally able to login with my mod powers activated and start to bring some sort of sanity to the mess.

Man that would have been embarrassing…

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Oh shit...

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