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Right now I'm....
zdunklee Wrote:They could have also came from the foundation wall and followed a crack in the cement to the middle areas of the room. You would be suprised at how often that happens, especially in older houses.

As for a sump pump, it will only work so long as the foundation doesn't have holes in it where water gets in easily (which might be the case with your house by the sounds of it)

I was wondering about the possibility of a crack underneath some of the carpeted areas down there. The half of the basement without carpeting is in good shape, no evidence of any cracks, but who knows about under the carpet.

Was talking with my dad today, and he thinks that if (and I'm sure there will be) there is any sort of mold or other damage to the carpet that our homeowners should cover it.

Taking a look at stuff yesterday and today, I think a big issue is our gutters. They don't look like they are in a position where they catch a lot of the water coming off the roof, which is something I noticed when we had the crazy rain on Friday. The one problem is that it doesn't appear that I can really reposition the gutters, so I might have to look into replacing them. No idea what that might cost.

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