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New Forum Questions, suggestions, etc
Okay well regardless to any of this the bottom line is that this is just a message board. Okay I can understand your point of view titan, I am sure almost all of us do. Some of us agree with you and some don't, but that is how anything goes with anyone. Now where the problem comes in is that you are making such a big issue of biff running things when no one else is stating they have a problem with it. As I said to you before there are plenty of loudmouths here and if any one of us had a problem with biff we would voice it, but there is a limit that gets reached.

Yeah I know he gave me the warning, but so what. The only reason I made the graphical change requests was somewhat a joke, I could care less if they keep it there, if they change the color, shit I couldn't care if they turned it into a pink bunny with yellow flowers. It is there and that's it. I could stay there and never go away for all I care. It was put there and I got over it, and am now having a joke about it.

I think the biggest problem you are having with all of this is that you are taking any rules or rule changes very personal. Trust me, he is admin, he could just have it set so that your computer never gets on this site. If he had this much of a problem with you he would have enacted it by now, in fact after some of the ways you've been acting here there are plenty of admins who would have blocked you by now.

Thing is you can actually be a productive member of the board and he knows this, as do we all. You have been a member for a long time and that does mean something. Try to just take a step back and a few deep breaths and just get over this shit, it isn't worth getting so worked up over.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]

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