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Obama Mercy Hospital
Mad Dog Wrote:
Philly Mike Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:
zdunklee Wrote:Mike, if I can find the article I will post it, but I read one a couple days ago that says they are now leaning towards requiring everyone to have healthcare, not just children.

Your kidding me right? Requiring everyone to have health insurance? What, maybe next we could get a fine or get jail time for not having health insurance? How would the government enforce that ? Or maybe they would threaten fines and jail time for CEO's of major Health insurance companys for not letting those who cant pay their fair share on their health insurance plans. See the toliet bowl of Health Care we are currently swirling down?
It all depends on how they have the plan set out. if it is reasonably accessable to everyone then it is reasonable because such a requirement would lower hospital costs.

I dont get that either? The Obama Administration estimates that there are 47 million uninsured americans. If this is an accurate number (and I have massive doubts) How can you save money by adding a 47 million people to the roster? The numbers don't add up and I smell a rat.

Because then a company is actually paying that bill instead of it more than likely not being paid. It is the same as requiring auto insurance, do you have a problem with that as well (you should because it is the same thing), or would you rather have higher insurance rates for your car because the guy who rear ended you didn't have insurance or money to pay for your damages?

It is a known fact that insurance rates are higher for autos in the few states that still make it optional to have.
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