06-28-2009, 01:53 PM
zdunklee Wrote:Difficult is still better than impossible like it is now, a hospital can't do anything but send a bill to collections and if the people are poor already that means nothing and is just an added cost the hospital ends up dealing with.
Right.. but our government isn't any more well off, is it? So, either the government "makes" more money (thereby dramatically increasing inflation) or cuts more services in order to fund this one. With a system like this in place, there's going to be a LOT more money needed to be taken in to pay for it.. so people will be bringing home a lot less money after taxes even as the price of everything from gas to food to entertainment rises at incredible rates. That doesn't sound sustainable to me.
And if, as I've heard, it's electable to have government coverage, do I have to pay that much more in taxes after I've already have a chunk taken out for my own insurance coverage from my employer? Because that really doesn't sound good to me.. maybe I've got it wrong though. Perhaps someone could set me right.
Where would we be without the agitators of the world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?