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Friday Top Five: Embarassing Moments
1) Got a knee injury playing soccer in highschool. Long story short had to get it x-rayed and while the girly in the x-ray room was bending and manipulating my leg to get different 'shots' of my knee I noticed her at one point get really red in the face, look me in the eye and say "Sorry....." apparently she got a shot of the Feltersnatch curse/blessing. It was awkward for me as My mom was also right there and may have gotten a good glimps.

2) Our highschool gym had a balcony with a weight room. Well while we (the guys) were doing our warm up cals the girls were upstairs doing girly stuff like stretchy and grooming. A few girls were watching us do our cals and also got a great shot of the Feltersnatch curse/blessing as I did sit ups.

(then i switched away from boxers)

3) I've sharted, in tuxes, at 2 proms. Nuff said, I didn't get any.

4th and Final) Have you met my brother? HIYOOOOOOOO!
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"

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