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133t cyclist douchebags on the highway
brosephina Wrote:It's not so much traffic volume, but how people drive out there. I really don't know how more people don't get pulled over by county (especially Allegan county, they're always on the prowl), but I didn't even feel safe walking out there when I lived with my parents. Combine poor visibility with people who speed... I just think that cyclists are safer closer to town where bike paths are readily available.

I don't really care either way because I don't "cycle", but that's awful big roadkill to try and shovel up.

Bikers in a pack like you mentioned are doing the right thing to remain safe. They aren't the a-holes. It's the drivers that drive like a maniac that are the a-holes.

My dad and his friends are bikers. They have had stuff thrown at them, been sworn at, and nearly hit by cars while out riding. They follow all the laws that are in place for people riding bikes, they wear equipment that makes them as visible as possible, and they do as much as possible to stay off of busy roads, and out of the way of traffic.

My dad will put in well over a thousand miles a summer on his bike, and biking is a large part of what keeps him in good health. It frustrates me to see people not give bikers the proper respect on the road (such as not giving them any space when passing, even though there isn't any oncoming traffic), or to see them referred to as idiots or a-holes, when all they are doing is enjoying a sport they love.

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