07-02-2008, 08:12 AM
Derek Wrote:Bo Nerdasuck Wrote:The guy who called about this earlier this morning did not have his facts straight. Firstly, I do not believe anyone can predict the end of times, it can be tomorrow just as easily as December 2012.
But, the Mayans were EXCLELLENT at math, ..trig, geometry, and the proof is in the highly dynamic measurements needed for their pyramid formations and waterway designs. And also, it has been proven that they were very knowledgeable in astronomy.
(I mean, what the hell else did they have to do? They didn't have TV or internet!)
They knew the sun moved around in the galaxy. It not only moves around, but it also moves up and down. It moves into and out of the central spiral. There's a good possibility that they (using there math skills) could have predicted the next time the sun would come back down into the main buldge of the spiral of the Milky Way.
Why is this relevant?
Because, when you look at the milky way what do you see? Stars and gas, that's why you see the disk. Our solar system is neatly tucked away in the outer 1/3rd of a spiral arm, and ABOVE the main concentration of stars that light up our portion of the spiral arm. (well above)
But we are currently on the way back down into the main disk, (where all the stars are).
This has been proven by scientists.
It has also been proven that we should be getting near the central spiral around 2012-20.
We are talking about Huge-a-Dumb-Ass-a-Dumb-Ass distances here, so the years could be longer....but in astrological terms it's a drop in the bucket.
There-in lies the problem. Once we begin to creep near the central buldge we'll be getting closer to other stars, which in turn also have gravity, which will pull any massive rocks from outside our Heliosheath (outside solar system) flinging into the inner solar system once the rock is released from the pull of their gravity. This happens after we get passed any close by star...our sun will pull the rock back towards us...it'll be similar to a shooting gallery. And guess who's the targets.
So that's the problem with going back into the main concentration of stars in the disk.
Another problem, which the guy on the phone was "somewhat" discussing this morning was planets lining up. Well, it's not that simple. What he meant to say was that there will come a point when our sun, and a few inner planets, plus our moon, will line up with the monsterous black hole located in the center of our galaxy. That in conjuction with any and all gravity from other stars in between us and the black hole could produce tremendous strains on the earth's inner mantle and or core. Hypothetically speaking, it could produce volcanic activity of which we've never seen (and won't again if it happens). This is proven with Jupiter's moon IO, it's extreme geologic activity is the result of tidal heating from friction generated within Io's interior by Jupiter's varying pull of gravity.
It has been proven that volcanoes can produce so much ash and dust into the atmosphere that it would kill all vegetation on Earth...no sun light can penetrate the dust I'm speaking of. Therefore with no vegetation, and no sun light, anything living above ground would surely perish.
So either way you put it, the Mayans probably did in fact know more than we would like to admit because they were well versed in Astronomy. But even with that knowledge you cannot predict EXACTLY when any one event may take place....but make no mistake, events have happened before and they will happen again.
It's not a question of if, but a question of when.
I love you, you have just said everything I wanted to say but am way too lazy. (And you sound like you know a lot more than me)
HAHA, you're welcome man. I just had a few minutes before work. I tried to call this morning, I was going to tell them all of that, but the call screener said that they're moving on.
I didn't want to scare anyone, but hell, it's better than NOT knowing this could very well happen.