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Right Now I'm........... (part deux)
On my drive home from work today I stopped at a grocery store near my house. To get there I had to take a Michigan Left. Right as I started to pull out of the "left" turn lane, some old fart in a minivan came blowing around past me, cutting me off and causing me to slam on the brakes. I honked at him and did the "WTF?" shrug.

Upon parking at the grocery store I saw he also was in the same parking lot... trying to park in a non-existent parking spot. As I was walking past his van he rolled down his window. "What's your problem?!" he asked. "You drive really well," I replied. "Yes, I do!" he said. I shook my head and kept walking into the store. Suddenly, from the passenger side of the van I hear a window rolling down. It's wife. "You need to go back to school!"

All I could do was start to laugh, give a thumbs up, and complete my walk into the store.

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