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McCain in 08! Obama Supporters Need Reality Check
Quote:This is not the time to have a liberal president (Obama) in office. His "big government" ideas don't work.

Like the republicans arent doing massive big government things as well. If you don't want big government, don't vote either of the two major parties, period.

Quote:Healthcare, Hmm. The protestors at a McCain rally were talking about how we need a better healthcare system. Whenever that man stopped screaming, he would put a cigarette in his mouth. I've got the answer to all of those problems. STOP SMOKIN YOU UGLY MINGER! YOU ARE CAUSING YOUR OWN PROBLEMS RIGHT THERE! Really, I am not going to vote for a man (Obama) who says that universal free healthcare is what he is going to put in a system where in reality, the tax payers are going to be the ones funding the healthcare system. I do not want to be the one who is paying for a smokers' treatment for lung cancer when they are causing there own problems. If you want better healthcare, get yourself an education so you can get a better job. To all you smokers and people who use products that harm your body, YOU ARE CAUSING YOUR OWN PROBLEMS! YOU HAVE TO FIX THEM, NOT THE GOVERNMENT!

Where to begin with this one. I will start with the obvious: What is the difference if i have to give up a portion of my paycheck to get health coverage through my job, pay for my own plan independently, or pay for it towards taxes. Either way I'm paying. I'm a libertarian so i would like a total free market approach, instead of this beurocratic bs we have now, but at least if its government backed it might (although probably not) not be as convoluted of a process. I have horror stories upon horror stories that i will not get into unless really necessary but most people have nothing but overall pain in the ass/bad experiences with the current healthcare system in this country, so something needs to be done. This is one of the rare cases that i differentiate myself from libertarians because i see it as this though: We have public police and fire, why not health.

Here is another scenario to go with your smoking situation. I am a smoker, and lung cancer is one thing, but let's say i break my leg. That is totally unrelated to smoking (even if i was smoking at the time i broke it), so i should be denied health care because im a smoker? that makes sense.

Just to add to it, my current health plan that im stuck with because i cant afford to just go and buy a private one, has a deductible. So even though im "covered", since so far this year i have not met my 2000 dollar deductible (yes i realize i have the worst health coverage in the world), if i broke my leg I would still have to pay out of pocket for x-rays, cast, etc... until the deductible is met, and thats only at certain hospitals. If i went to the hospital that is literally in walking distance from my house, i would have to pay in full either way because its not "in network".

That terrible coverage is still 10 times better than what i had for the last 4 years which was absolutely no coverage, and i'm still paying out of every paycheck for this bullshit coverage. So i repeat, healthcare is beyond screwed up in this country and something needs to be done.

I also edited to add this. Getting an education and another job for better coverage is not really a viable option. I have a bachelors in computer science, which very much like Eric Zane is now causing me to be in debt til im at least 40. That puts me in a situation where i am completely unable to hold out for a job that pays well with better health coverage. I took my previous jobs that had no health care because they were jobs and i needed income so i wouldnt get myself more into debt. To be honest, i probably would have much better health care if i did not get myself an education. At least what ive experienced up to this point in my life is that if you want an education you cant be picky about healthcare, and if you want good healthcare you cant be picky about what field or job youre applying to. I just happened to luck out that i found a job that offered health coverage for a small enough payment that i could still afford to pay off my tens of thousands of dollars of debt without missing payments.

Quote:Really, Barack Obama is all talk. He is saying the obvious to get himself elected.

You can say that about any politician more or less. Next please...

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