07-02-2008, 10:24 PM
Unfortunately I listened to Huge-a-Dumb-Ass most of last summer on my long rides home from work. Being a newb to sports talk radio I didn't really know any better, so I guess that's my excuse. The more I listened to "real" sports talk; Collin Cowherd and even Rome I can't stand Mike and Mike, the more I began to hate him. For some reason this hatred became the reason I continued to listen.
However the last straw for me was the show where Huge-a-Dumb-Ass had some board of big-wigs from New York listening to his show for possible syndication. I can't remember if I made it through the entire show or not, but all I remember his him going on and on and on and on and on and on and on about him and his show and why he's great then muller made some minor mistake, can't remember specifics, and then he went on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how unprofessional he was and how he is going to ruin his shot. I'll watch Opra anyday over listening to that Huge-a-Dumb-Ass.
I think I get some kind of sick comfort in having found people that share the same distaste for him as I have.
Oh and I also find it pathetic how he whines about how terrible of a childhood he had and how his dad is a loser blah blah blah wahwahwah. Not to mention how he goes off on rants about family values and how he is such a family man yet there's all these rumors about him bar hopping after everyone of his shows.
However the last straw for me was the show where Huge-a-Dumb-Ass had some board of big-wigs from New York listening to his show for possible syndication. I can't remember if I made it through the entire show or not, but all I remember his him going on and on and on and on and on and on and on about him and his show and why he's great then muller made some minor mistake, can't remember specifics, and then he went on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how unprofessional he was and how he is going to ruin his shot. I'll watch Opra anyday over listening to that Huge-a-Dumb-Ass.
I think I get some kind of sick comfort in having found people that share the same distaste for him as I have.
Oh and I also find it pathetic how he whines about how terrible of a childhood he had and how his dad is a loser blah blah blah wahwahwah. Not to mention how he goes off on rants about family values and how he is such a family man yet there's all these rumors about him bar hopping after everyone of his shows.