07-02-2008, 11:19 PM
You have to understand one point. Universal Healthcare would not work in this country. I want to pay for my own healthcare and not somebody else's who can be so careless. Healthcare is a personal issue that should not be controlled by the government. Don't get me wrong, it needs to be regulated. But not completely run by the government which means the tax payers are going to be the ones doing the funding.
On the war, even if we went to war for the wrong reason we have to finish the job. Progress has been made since the troop surge. Barack Obama wants to end all that progress and could cause more conflict. Meaning that Iran might start pointing their weapons at Israel. Remember the Holocaust? Amadinajad,(however it is spelled) the Iranian President, believes it did not take place. He has similar beliefs to Adolf Hitler and wants Israel destroyed. The Holocaust did indeed happen and he wants to destroy Israel because it is a commonly We have to take that seriously. I'm looking at it for world peace for the long term. That region needs to stay stable and having an unstable Mid East equals higher gas prices which drives everything today. It is a huge formula that most don't understand. It all has to blend together. We are fighting for our way of life. I like the way I live and I am going to stand up for it until the day I die and I would be honored to die in combat in Iraq, Afganistan, or anywhere for that matter, for the way we live. If you lived under Saddamn then you would be greatful for what the Americans are doing. And I would pick President Bush over any country that I would have no rights.
I want to feel safe. And after listening to Barack Obama focus only on domestic issues and all of the questions about his patriotism and faith. If a candidate has questionable attributes such as that. I don't feel safe. Not too mention, a guy who's only message is to rebuild the economy and nothing else taxing us to a point where our hard earned money will mostly go to the government. During such tough times, raising taxes I don't want a liberal as the leader of the free world and the only remaining superpower.
And just for the record, when I mean "big government" I mean heavy government regulation. Barack Obama is only about government regulation as his safe haven. I know the Republicans have their regualtions, too, but they don't depend on the government so much in order to function in the everyday world.
I would have never voted for Bush ®. I will never vote for Barack Obama (D). And I will never vote based on political party. I will vote for McCain because he's been around the block a few times. Not too mention, he put his country before himself. He is a great candidate, a great leader, and a great man. The only accomplishment that I've seen from Obama is be elected to the Senate and graduating from law school. Beyond that nothing. He's too worried about domestics and not so much on foreign policy which is included in the job of being the president. In one of his speeches he talked about how John McCain should go around the country and see how people are suffering. HE HAS DONE THIS! McCain is the whole package. Obama is only the domestic advisor candidate. He has no idea how to deal with foreign policy and until he learns that I am absolutely never voting for a man who's name is only one letter different then the most wanted man on the planet who is only concern is for domestic issue and not about the big picture.
On the war, even if we went to war for the wrong reason we have to finish the job. Progress has been made since the troop surge. Barack Obama wants to end all that progress and could cause more conflict. Meaning that Iran might start pointing their weapons at Israel. Remember the Holocaust? Amadinajad,(however it is spelled) the Iranian President, believes it did not take place. He has similar beliefs to Adolf Hitler and wants Israel destroyed. The Holocaust did indeed happen and he wants to destroy Israel because it is a commonly We have to take that seriously. I'm looking at it for world peace for the long term. That region needs to stay stable and having an unstable Mid East equals higher gas prices which drives everything today. It is a huge formula that most don't understand. It all has to blend together. We are fighting for our way of life. I like the way I live and I am going to stand up for it until the day I die and I would be honored to die in combat in Iraq, Afganistan, or anywhere for that matter, for the way we live. If you lived under Saddamn then you would be greatful for what the Americans are doing. And I would pick President Bush over any country that I would have no rights.
I want to feel safe. And after listening to Barack Obama focus only on domestic issues and all of the questions about his patriotism and faith. If a candidate has questionable attributes such as that. I don't feel safe. Not too mention, a guy who's only message is to rebuild the economy and nothing else taxing us to a point where our hard earned money will mostly go to the government. During such tough times, raising taxes I don't want a liberal as the leader of the free world and the only remaining superpower.
And just for the record, when I mean "big government" I mean heavy government regulation. Barack Obama is only about government regulation as his safe haven. I know the Republicans have their regualtions, too, but they don't depend on the government so much in order to function in the everyday world.
I would have never voted for Bush ®. I will never vote for Barack Obama (D). And I will never vote based on political party. I will vote for McCain because he's been around the block a few times. Not too mention, he put his country before himself. He is a great candidate, a great leader, and a great man. The only accomplishment that I've seen from Obama is be elected to the Senate and graduating from law school. Beyond that nothing. He's too worried about domestics and not so much on foreign policy which is included in the job of being the president. In one of his speeches he talked about how John McCain should go around the country and see how people are suffering. HE HAS DONE THIS! McCain is the whole package. Obama is only the domestic advisor candidate. He has no idea how to deal with foreign policy and until he learns that I am absolutely never voting for a man who's name is only one letter different then the most wanted man on the planet who is only concern is for domestic issue and not about the big picture.