07-02-2008, 11:50 PM
potthole Wrote:vsangelchick Wrote:I was a catcher (yeah yeah, laugh now) before they had things like "knee saver" pads. Years of hanging out behind home plate pretty much did them in. However, I got killer calves because of it!
How old are you? I'm guessing that you're close in age to me, and Knee Savers were on the market before I had even reached middle school.
I am 27....and they came in just after I stopped playing....and of course, our HS was a bit biased towards the male sports, so we women got the Shit end of the stick. I started behind the plate when I was 10 or 11...so even having them in HS wouldn't have helped, as most damage was probably already done.
Do what's right....even when no one is looking.