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McCain in 08! Obama Supporters Need Reality Check
Saying universal healthcare can't possibly work in this country is a pretty defeatist attitude; you might as well wave the white flag to injury and illness, you dirty surrender monkey. Other countries seem to have pulled it off just fine, after all. Do you not think we're as capable as they are? See: "The United States is the only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not have a universal health care system."

Neither the initial war nor the occupation in Iraq has made the Middle East more stable. If anything, it's had the exact opposite effect. If you really want peace and stability, you're on the wrong side of the issue. There's no reason to feel any safer now than we did before the war. As Obama has pointed out, all the shit in Iraq has just been a distraction. No one's going to argue that Saddam was a swell guy, but at this point Americans are sick of our country trying to be the world's police force. We have our own problems to take care of.
Besides, the average American's safety is threatened far more by health problems which they aren't able to afford treatment for than it is by a terrorist attack.

Obama having to spend so much time on silly questions about his patriotism and faith is the fault of the media. It's not as though he got to choose which questions would be asked of him in the debates. If it were up to him, I'm sure he'd much rather never have to talk about all this faith and patriotism junk. And do you know what else he'd rather not have made into another ridiculous issue? His Effing name, you stupid dipshit.

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