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No I Will Not Sell My Land Rover
Haha! I guess I'd only buy a $317 block of cheese if it brewed good beer for me.
I am a social worker, a case manager with pregnant and parenting teens. I have to agree that we are breeding a society that tells young people "spend whatever you want, don't save, when you get in trouble, someone will bail you out.
Time and time again I have a conversation with one of my clients about how she needs to apply for Temporary Assistance (cash benefits) because she can't work. CAN'T WORK?!?! You are 17!!! Pregnancy is not a disabling condition. But nearly all of my clients think that, once they are pregnant, they should get a note from their doctor that they can't stand for periods of time or that they can't walk to work.
Government programs were intended to be a good thing. A temporary solution, to help you while you got back on your feet. Unfortunately, it has exploded out of control. WIC, Food Stamps, Medicaid, Cash assistance - all of these are good things... if used on a short term basis. But I have clients (unlike Katie, who sounds like she is only doing this in the short term) who get mad when they don't have enough formula from WIC for the whole month. WIC is ment to be supplemental - not a supply of all the formula your baby needs.
I would love to see the government reel these programs back in, to a point. There needs to be a societal emphasis on personal responsibility - unfortunately we are so far down the road that we can't just pull the services in one fell swoop.
And now I will get off my soapbox...
wienerpoopie Wrote:and i will not sell my explorer

I'm not selling my Les Pauls either.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
I completely agree with morrigan728. Something needs to be done about it soon too.
morrigan728 Wrote:And now I will get off my soapbox...


First post is a home run. Well done.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Yep, he already got my point for this hour.
hotzester Wrote:Yep, he already got my point for this hour.

Dude's a chick. Wink
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Still got a point.
I just dont understand how people can be "out of work" for weeks at a time. There are always jobs out there. It may be doing something you dont like, or dont want to do, but there is no reason two able bodied people can not go out there bring in something. I think you and your husband are lazy.
Always remember and never forget theres two types of people out there,

New Orleans people and Iowa People

One type nuts up and goes to work.

The other type sits in free housing and whines about how slow the checks are coming.
Im on your side keep it till you need to sell it suv's wont sell for shit anyway.
but dont know what to say about the stroller in the trunks problem. make it work if you need too!!!! :'(
The other day I was at the supermarket behind a girl who couldn't be more than 17, and she was very pregnant. She payed with all her food with food stamps, and I am one to judge people immediately so I judged that she was a no working bitch. But I am probably right about her, she probably doesn't work and just mooches off the government. But that is how society is today. Everyone is expecting the government to help them.
So you are all saying that if you found yourself in an unexpected situation where you didn't have money coming in, you would not look into help that was being offered to you?? You are telling me that when a very nice person says, 'we can help you' you are going to be too proud to say 'thank you'?? Yeah, easier said that done. I don't know who of you are married and you have kids, but if you say NO, I think you would change your mind in a heartbeat. You are all harping to sell things. Ok, since we are in a small house and don't have a lot of room, we don't have too much to sell. We have one tv, (downgraded from cable) yes, we could get rid of internet, although it is quicker than mail to get your resumes out, and just get over selling the car - I'd rather have reliable transportation that fits everything we have to bring with us with traveling with twin babies. Besides, even if we could get the $7,000 that would obviously run out, but we'd probably have income by then, so why get rid of it?? Whatever - I've justified myself enough to you strangers. We've sold a lot on ebay already, oh but there goes that income, since you all want us to get rid of that internet bill... Even though you all seem to have opinions about us (of course I invited you in) I do not wish this feeling on anyone. Good bye.
I see both sides of the coin here. I was a 17 year old, with a baby. Difference is - I only used Food Stamps and Medicaid while I went to college. I worked my ass off going to college, working a job to pay my rent and bills, and now I am off all services and I have my Bachelors. My daughter also now knows the value of education and hard work.
Sometimes I wish I could just give my clients a good shake and tell them to pull up their big girls underpants and do what they have to do. I am always amazed when these idiots say there are no jobs - there are jobs, they just think their lazy, uneducated asses, are worth more than minimum wage!
You can all see this women cares more about looking good then feed her kids, she sound pretty damn stupid and selfish. WHY should she sell her car and look for a job when us tax payer's can supply her with all she needs. I feel sorry for her husband because he probably can't make enough to support her spending needs. She sounds REALLY high maintenence
but hey as long as your happy with yourself thats all that matters.
Yea thats what I was saying. The lazy, stupid people who want 15 dollars and hour for doing nothing. I know of someone who is 21 and is on welfare because he "Can't work". I know for a fact there is nothing wrong with this kid he is just a redneck loser who doesn't want to work. So he mooches off the government, off of OUR money.
katie Wrote:So you are all saying that if you found yourself in an unexpected situation where you didn't have money coming in, you would not look into help that was being offered to you?? You are telling me that when a very nice person says, 'we can help you' you are going to be too proud to say 'thank you'?? Yeah, easier said that done. I don't know who of you are married and you have kids, but if you say NO, I think you would change your mind in a heartbeat. You are all harping to sell things. Ok, since we are in a small house and don't have a lot of room, we don't have too much to sell. We have one tv, (downgraded from cable) yes, we could get rid of internet, although it is quicker than mail to get your resumes out, and just get over selling the car - I'd rather have reliable transportation that fits everything we have to bring with us with traveling with twin babies. Besides, even if we could get the $7,000 that would obviously run out, but we'd probably have income by then, so why get rid of it?? Whatever - I've justified myself enough to you strangers. We've sold a lot on ebay already, oh but there goes that income, since you all want us to get rid of that internet bill... Even though you all seem to have opinions about us (of course I invited you in) I do not wish this feeling on anyone. Good bye.

Quite honestly, I'd go get a full time job flipping burgers before I tried to apply for government money.
Exactly how I feel, potthole. I've thought about it, and I've done it.
I'm a moron, i'm going to buy a house with a sub prime mortgage and lease a vehical i could never afford then cry when i don't have any money to eat with. Shoot yourself in the face. The reason America was once great is because there was an ocean between us and the idiots. If you wanted to be here you had to save up and buy passage on a boat then survive the three month trip. The only people that got here are the ones that wanted to be here.

Live below your means for a year and your'll realize how easy life is. The sad thing is that people that make responsible decisions don't get any reward but if you over spend, don't save, and make poor decisions, the government bails your dumb ass out so you can do it all over agian.
Look at that, TF, you and I aren't so different after all.
Ugh.. the enemy of my enemy is a hot zester.
I don't think this is any one person's fault. It is very easy for you to sit and say "live below your means" - we don't live in that kind of society. Yes, we all know what we "should" do, but that is not what happens in practice. I am not saying anyone is right or wrong, but think about the way our country runs...
Toyota is currently running a promotion, $1,000 cash back for recent college grads. This is given away to young adults who do not have the income yet to support a new car payment.
Think about credit cards, with $500 or more credit limits given to students. Kids are encouraged to use plastic rather than, oh I don't know - work study?!?!?
Mortgage companies approve people for gigantic mortgages, on many houses that aren't worth that amount anyway. Now the mortgage companies are facing major forclosure issues - and they don't suck it up and they go to the federal government to bail them out. Why is it the feds problem that these companies overextended themselves??
Everywhere you turn, people and corportations are overextending themselves on credit. What is the current US deficit... the government does it too.
Credit cards are a completely different issue than public subsidization of laziness.
Are there any federal programs that assist in making paragraphs?
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
hotzester Wrote:Credit cards are a completely different issue than public subsidization of laziness.
Not totally. They are both on similar levels of stupid. Don't get me wrong, I have a credit card, but I'm responsible with it.

Still, I get your point.
Admin Wrote:Are there any federal programs that assist in making paragraphs?
Haha, I wish there was. Maybe someone should start a private organization that deals with paragraphs.
...and spelling...and punctuation...
You're right, credit cards are different than using a federal program to pay for your family needs. But it is a similar concept: using something other than cash on hand to pay for your bills. I think the number of people who pay off their monthly balance is very low. Many more people use the card to out-spend their income. If the credit company was to come to your door tommorow and demand that balance in full, very few could pay up. Those using government funds to pay their bills simply never had the oncome in the first place, and no one is coming to collect.
It's not a similar concept at all. When I use my credit card, I pay interest. I pay this with MY money.

Food stamps, WIC, and other forms of public assistance are using OTHER PEOPLE'S money.
i don't think that's the real katie
I doubt it is as well, but it's a great discussion nonetheless.
katie Wrote:So you are all saying that if you found yourself in an unexpected situation where you didn't have money coming in, you would not look into help that was being offered to you?? You are telling me that when a very nice person says, 'we can help you' you are going to be too proud to say 'thank you'?? Yeah, easier said that done. I don't know who of you are married and you have kids, but if you say NO, I think you would change your mind in a heartbeat. You are all harping to sell things. Ok, since we are in a small house and don't have a lot of room, we don't have too much to sell. We have one tv, (downgraded from cable) yes, we could get rid of internet, although it is quicker than mail to get your resumes out, and just get over selling the car - I'd rather have reliable transportation that fits everything we have to bring with us with traveling with twin babies. Besides, even if we could get the $7,000 that would obviously run out, but we'd probably have income by then, so why get rid of it?? Whatever - I've justified myself enough to you strangers. We've sold a lot on ebay already, oh but there goes that income, since you all want us to get rid of that internet bill... Even though you all seem to have opinions about us (of course I invited you in) I do not wish this feeling on anyone. Good bye.

They dont come to you to give you aid, you had to go to them. Get a job.
potthole Wrote:
katie Wrote:So you are all saying that if you found yourself in an unexpected situation where you didn't have money coming in, you would not look into help that was being offered to you?? You are telling me that when a very nice person says, 'we can help you' you are going to be too proud to say 'thank you'?? Yeah, easier said that done. I don't know who of you are married and you have kids, but if you say NO, I think you would change your mind in a heartbeat. You are all harping to sell things. Ok, since we are in a small house and don't have a lot of room, we don't have too much to sell. We have one tv, (downgraded from cable) yes, we could get rid of internet, although it is quicker than mail to get your resumes out, and just get over selling the car - I'd rather have reliable transportation that fits everything we have to bring with us with traveling with twin babies. Besides, even if we could get the $7,000 that would obviously run out, but we'd probably have income by then, so why get rid of it?? Whatever - I've justified myself enough to you strangers. We've sold a lot on ebay already, oh but there goes that income, since you all want us to get rid of that internet bill... Even though you all seem to have opinions about us (of course I invited you in) I do not wish this feeling on anyone. Good bye.

Quite honestly, I'd go get a full time job flipping burgers before I tried to apply for government money.
Thats what Im saying /exalt
I think she had the kids in the first place just to get on welfare.
If she has them now and can't afford them, why doesn't she just sell them or drop them off some where out in the woods.
ridgerunner Wrote:I think she had the kids in the first place just to get on welfare.
If she has them now and can't afford them, why doesn't she just sell them or drop them off some where out in the woods.

ridgerunner Wrote:I think she had the kids in the first place just to get on welfare.
If she has them now and can't afford them, why doesn't she just sell them or drop them off some where out in the woods.

The more you have the more you claim - The more money you get back with your tax return...Rich for one month...Back on government cheese for the rest of the year.
Totally off-topic, Mud Room Donna, but I just have to make mention that I added to my wedding registry a sign that looked just like your avatar. Not really much of a surprise, but nobody got it for me.
potthole Wrote:Not really much of a surprise, but nobody got it for me.

"Whaaaaaaaa, I'm sad about stuff" :'(
That earns you an exalt.

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