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Show Pet Peeves.
When they do stump the show, no matter what the judge says they say the opposite. If they give it to the listener they disagree and if the judge says no they almost always say "aw we would have given that one to you..." god its annoying!
OMG the minutiae judges drive me up the fricken wall. Chicks will ALMOST always get their free pass, and it bugs me when the judge says something like, "Well I hate NASCAR so that's minutiae."
hotzester Wrote:Oh, trust me, they DO have different perspectives as I. Your comparison to Rush Limbaugh perplexes me, however. Rush bases his entire career on pointing out hypocrisies and ideological differences. How is that anything like calling someone stupid because he's not a good public speaker?
While I don't get his comparison to Limbaugh, I think Limbaugh has just as bad of political arguments as Zane does sometimes. I've heard Rush rip on people for things such as being a bad public speaker.
We are talking about two different things hotzester. My reference to Rush was a completely one sided conversation that doesn't allow for new ideas and perpetuates the "same ol, same ol" ways of thinking.

Also, I don't think calling G-Dub stupid is necessarily "political conversation," I'm referring more to when they get down to "real" political talk, such as "policy" or "party" or "societal" issues. If they just sit there and bash politicians, I'm all about it, because the show is about bashing.

And I realize they do have differing perspectives, but they all come from conservative, more right leaning, perspectives.
Sometimes, yes. But that's pretty much the crux of every Zane argument about politics.

Not that it matters, I can't bring myself to gain political insight from someone who doesn't know who Nancy Pelosi is anyway.
Yea i could pretty much do without stump the show, nothing ever comes of it and is hardly ever funny. One of the only segments i skip on my podcasts.
hotzester Wrote:Sometimes, yes. But that's pretty much the crux of every Zane argument about politics.

Not that it matters, I can't bring myself to gain political insight from someone who doesn't know who Nancy Pelosi is anyway.
Point made.
hotzester Wrote:Sometimes, yes. But that's pretty much the crux of every Zane argument about politics.

Not that it matters, I can't bring myself to gain political insight from someone who doesn't know who Nancy Pelosi is anyway.

Queenie Wrote:I hate it when they find the STUPIDEST crap to talk about, some annoying sound bite and play it over and over and OVER AND OVER AND OVER!! Then talk about how f in annoying it is!! We get it . . we are listening . . for the moment . . .okay we'll just turn it down.

I agree, Queenofwhoreisland (love the name), they did that recently and I just shut the radio off. Don't beat it to death!!
No chicks on the show! If chicks are ever on the show, it should only be when they are being humiliated.
Half of the drops are funny and the other half suck ass! You guys should stick with a few of them and lay off the rest.
Freebeer says "Thats for sure" A LOT!
The only thing that irks me about the show is when the guys take a whole segment to discuss a youtube video (which has been happening more in recent times, understandable to a point).

I know that they'd like to have some traffic on the site, but I shouldn't have to surf the 'net in order to follow what a radio show is talking about.
1. I hate Sportier than Thou.
2. I hate how Zane always wins Dumber than Zane.

And that's it. Love the show.
Kate Wrote:1. I hate Sportier than Thou.

Ok!!! I just thought of something. What the ef is "Kaboobie"? I hate it when people say it. I'm embarrassed when I'm trying to get people to listen to the show and someone says it. Please explain.
Check the wiki:
Noted thanks. Still annoying.
The one thing that bugs me is when they drag out the introduction to a bit. like a teaser for Entertainment Tonight. Example- I'm sitting in my car waiting to go into work and they talk about the story of women having sex with the boys, but they feel the need to explain all the background, so by the time they get to the story it's to late. I've gone into work

I agree, Queenofwhoreisland (love the name), they did that recently and I just shut the radio off. Don't beat it to death!!


Yep that's what we do.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
well that didn't work too well . . .how do you link to a post? I tried to click on "link to Post" but it didn't work.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
82airborne Wrote:Zane & his lip smacking, nose whistling A$$!

EXACTLY!!! Then he WHINES about noisy phones.
I don't like it when Free Beer plays the "pussy politically correct guy" when they start talking about things involving race.

This might ruffle a few feathers but it seems to me Free Beer always seems to take the "PC" way in any argument when race is involved. An example, when the Dog Chapman thing came out, FB ripped him a new one (deservedly so). And other examples of people saying racist/bigoted things against minorities, he really lets them have it.

But it seems, to me at least, that when it's reversed, like the recent Obama/Rev. Wright crap, or the Rev that ripped Hiliary, etc., FB will take a much more "well....I don't think that was bad" type attitude; Zane and HW though will rip them as much as any other racist incident and will talk about the huge double standard in the media when it comes to stuff like this.

I don't know, that's not a perfect example because the Dog thing was clear cut racism, and some of the other "side" stuff I mentioned wasn't so much, but I guess it's just a vibe I get from FB. He seems almost hesitent to say too much and like he wants to walk a fine line. When it comes to conversations like this they have, I like Zane and HW a lot more because they are much more open and talkative. I mean I guess FB could really feel the way he does, but I just don't get that vibe because in his voice he almost seems to shrink back a bit.

Just an observation I had. I'm not trying to open a big debate about these topics.
You know what. I responded to your "racism" question and decided to remove it. I don't want to get into a big discussion about it either.
I know you're not trying to start a debate, but as you guys have seen, I'm never one to mince words.

I actually DON'T think the Dog Chapman thing was racist. I think it was ignorant as hell, and a completely ridiculous, stupid as hell thing to say, but I don't think the man is going to Klan meetings on weekends.
I hate to even post because I only get to listen for 30-40 minutes a day . . . but I can't resist . . . .

1. Some days it seems like HW barely contributes to the conversation of the show. Again, maybe not fair b/c I only get to listen from 7:50-8:30 Central Time. But, for his name to be part of the show it sure seems like Zane talks a heck of a lot more . . . .

2. Zane bringing up his Armenian heritage - this used to drive me crazy (it gave me Bob & Tom nightmares b/c one of them is Armenian and brings it up A LOT!!!) Nothing against his heritage - it was just the fact that it was EXACTLY like something B&T did ALL THE TIME, almost like it was a bit they would do.

3. HW tripping over words in What Hot Wings Thinks. Sorry, HW - not tryin' to pick on you!
You don't need to be a card carrying member of the Klan to be racist. Anytime you use a word that is derogatory toward another race that's racism, and that word is, end of story.
I like all three, but it is a good thing that FB and HW's names in the show name because Zane is funny as hell. His irateness and verbal assault on people just plain makes me laugh my a$$ off
WHWT is mine it's beginning to sound all the same
Yeah and I don't like how he redoes WHWT 2 hours later. Either just do it once or have 2 different ones. Hearing the same thing 2 hours later is silly.
Stop talking about NASCAR. It's not a sport. No one cares.

FB needs to stop being so damned self-depricating. Conan O'Brien has that market cornered. I'm sick and tired of FB telling everyone how much he sucks at Name That Tune or that he thinks he's going to lose Sportier Than Thou when he's so damned insanely awesome. Knock it off.

Yeah, website sucks. It doesn't look anywhere close to professional.
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
Film it. Listen to it. Live it. Love it.

All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown
derkdiggler Wrote:You don't need to be a card carrying member of the Klan to be racist. Anytime you use a word that is derogatory toward another race that's racism, and that word is, end of story.

I agree that it's a derogatory word, and it's one of a few words that makes my skin crawl. I just think that the MAN isn't racist, despite what he was saying.
There is a difference between being a bigot and being a racist. Dog is most likely a bigot.

That said, I like Sportier Than Thou.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Beautifully articulated, Biff. I wish I hadn't spent my exalt this hour!
During Paired With An Idiot, whenever Hot Wings' partner gets one right, Hot Wings says, "There ya go".

It wastes so much time!
I hate that i dont get to hear the whole show.... it shuts off at 9. even if they are in the middle of a sentance it goes to the local station and it pisses me off!!!! i want the show to stay on til the end! other than that they are all awsome and no chick on the show... they are great the way they are....ZANE IS GREAT!
residentialevil Wrote:Yeah and I don't like how he redoes WHWT 2 hours later. Either just do it once or have 2 different ones. Hearing the same thing 2 hours later is silly.

Yeah but not everyone gets to listen at 6:00. So those of us who don't like that we get to hear it at 8:00. Why don't you just turn down your radio for that segment?
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
the whole "gee dee it" thing is stupid to me, if he wants to say it he should.
another thing is that when they get rid of a skit they dont mention a thing about it and it is just gone.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
Philly Mike Wrote:the whole "gee dee it" thing is stupid to me, if he wants to say it he should.
another thing is that when they get rid of a skit they dont mention a thing about it and it is just gone.

You think this audience is capable of letting it go that easily? How many times have they had to explain where PA Pranks went or what happened to Joe and Nikki?

As for the GD thing, I think it's great. There are ways of expressing oneself without having to curse every other word. If Zane's going to put himself out there as a Catholic, he needs to be cognizant that people are going to expect a certain type of behavior from him. If he didn't regularly reference his faith, it wouldn't be as much an issue.
its not just that
for example, the dude went away and there wasnt an explination till recently.
or even not that long ago, uncanny impressions was gone a couple of weeks ago but not explained until this week.

as far as the GD thing (when i originally put it i was censored) he used to say it all the time until people started complaining, just abbreviating the words is just as bad as saying it, if it was that important they wouldnt use it in any form. that plus all in all, they are just words if people get offended by them they could either change the dial or just get over it.

as far as he goes with the whole catholic thing, he talks about pleasuring himself all the time, amongst plenty of other uncatholic activities. So none of that makes a difference to me.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]

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