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Zane's Mom
Zane is always saying how his mom makes up diseases and seeks sympathy from everyone. I personally despise people who are always complaining about their ailments and seeking pity from me. Well last night my boyfriend's grandmother had her daughter rush her to the hospital because she thought she was having a heart attack. So naturally, everyone is worried about this. Well today we find out it was just a urinary tract infection that she had. Now I've had a few UTIs in my day and while they are painful, never EVER have I thought I was having a heart attack. Please shut up and spare the rest of us.
That's what she said.
Have you noticed that Zane makes fun of his mother for doing that but, he does the same damn thing. They even told the story one time he thought he had ALS or MS (I can't remember the actual disease). Guess hypochondria is genetic.
Zane and I lead very parallel lives. My mom is always contracting something too. The last time I talked to her she said she had a blood test for leukemia and her doc told her she had all the symptoms for it too. That was 3 weeks ago and haven't heard anything since, was probably indigestion. She'll also wear an emergency room wristband around for a few extra days looking for pity from others. The rest of the family just says "what's wrong with you now?"

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