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Uncle Pullfinger Returns!!!
i know i'm one of many that received this email.. but if you didn't catch it, it's pretty good....


The Skunk Beer and Gay Wings Show

Greetings everyone,

Thanks again to everyone who took the time out to e-mail me. Including the haters and punkers.

The skunky beer show severed the link from my default picture at their site to my myspace page. Why would they go and do a thing like that??
Is this the normal way they do things, or, do they just don't want any of their listeners to see the comment i posted about them at my myspace page??

Go to the following link to see what i'm talking about at:

To date, I only received 139 e-mails, only 80 to 90 were hate e-mails. I'm just so glad it wasn't the Opey and Anthony Show that tried to slam my e-mail
with hate mail. The numbers would be in the many thousands!

If they replaced my myspace page link with that music player to stop people from seeing that comment I posted at my page, then that
would prove that the Skunk Beer hosts can't take what they dish out.

In closing, today one of those guys made the following comment:

"Ever say "hi" to someone in an elevator, only to bump into them down the road at a red light? How awkward!

Nevermind the dopiness of this comment. Why is he fixated on the social subculture of the elevator bump and grind?"
Could this be some Freudian Slip reguarding the first line in "who Cut The Cheese?"

Well, I'm going to continue to listen to their show for the next couple of weeks. Maybie they were just having a bad day today. It happens.
Mabie things will be better tomorrow when Eric Zane returns! (-:

Peace to all of you,

Uncle Pullfinger

Oh no Skunk beer and gay wings... I think he got you there!!... :Smile
did he find his spell check and the caps lock key? I bet his mother typed that for him. They HAVE to get him on the show somehow for an interview
Ah crap, I swear, if I keep getting mass e-mails from him in the future...
I just e-mailed him to let him know that every complimentary e-mail he received was a ruse put on by the show.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Dare him to call! if he listens. I'm pissed off now after reading the stuff he said haha. If he's not a pussy, he should call and say his piece there on the show.
I'm sick of him. He is taking this whole scenario way too seriously and his cries for attention are getting annoying.
Right, so let Zane and the rest tear him to shreds and that will be the end of it
Apparently Uncle Pullfinger is upset at the lack of hate e-mails he has received. Maybe we can help please him.
Admin Wrote:I just e-mailed him to let him know that every complimentary e-mail he received was a ruse put on by the show.

This guy is so far off and not connected to reality that he won't believe you.
haha yeah he probably misses the emails! He got his 15 minuites of fame and wants MORE!

but you know what, this could almost be another show prank, where all the listeners flood some unsuspecting sap's inbox with emails. It would be awesome to do stuff like this again, i'd be in everytime... too bad there aren't artists writing stupid songs about farts and sending them to radio stations everyday!
FBHW said Friday they were no longer going to talk about uncle pullfinger, they were leaving it alone...DONT, GO TEAR THIS UNCLE STINKYPUSS TO SHREADS.
fullcollapse9 Wrote:To date, I only received 139 e-mails, only 80 to 90 were hate e-mails.

that means 58-65% of people hate him. is he bragging about that?

that is, of course, assuming the praise was from actual fans of his work....
I love how he says he received 139 emails and only 80-90 were hate mail message. Haha, "only" 80-90 out of 139. Yeah, I'd say that is a pretty acceptable percentage.
fullcollapse9 Wrote:i know i'm one of many that received this email.. but if you didn't catch it, it's pretty good....

I'm just so glad it wasn't the Opey and Anthony Show that tried to slam my e-mail
with hate mail. The numbers would be in the many thousands!

Like the guy or not, that is a pretty good burn.
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:
fullcollapse9 Wrote:i know i'm one of many that received this email.. but if you didn't catch it, it's pretty good....

I'm just so glad it wasn't the Opey and Anthony Show that tried to slam my e-mail
with hate mail. The numbers would be in the many thousands!

Like the guy or not, that is a pretty good burn.

But still, he doesn't know grammar or proper spelling.
Couldn't he Google his own fake name and find this message board? Then he would figure out how we all really feel...
I laughed this morning when i checked my email and this was in my inbox.
did anybody go to that myspace link and read the comment he left himself about FBHW? i just did.....dude makes no sense.

he says they're "no talent wanna bees". whoa, right?

also he listened to the intern rap battle apparently.
i like how he thinks that the people that sent him compliments were serious. What a delusional idiot.
I think Uncle Pullfinger would be a perfect subject for a Dude interview. They should bring him back one time only for this.
dudeshadoway Wrote:I think Uncle Pullfinger would be a perfect subject for a Dude interview. They should bring him back one time only for this.

Dude's dead! Duh! :Smile
3/30/2009 1:38 PM Loose Wendy wrote: "I would rather masturbate using a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire than have sex with Joe."
kaboobie92 Wrote:i like how he thinks that the people that sent him compliments were serious. What a delusional idiot.
Dearest Elrushbo. My apologies for all the sarcastic things I may have written about your plitical views. I hope and pray that you forgive me and that one day we can be friends.
Yours Very Truly,
I wonder how much time he is committing to listening to the show in order to get things to mock them with..... well at least FBHW got another dedicated listener.
wingospagettio Wrote:
kaboobie92 Wrote:i like how he thinks that the people that sent him compliments were serious. What a delusional idiot.
Dearest Elrushbo. My apologies for all the sarcastic things I may have written about your plitical views. I hope and pray that you forgive me and that one day we can be friends.
Yours Very Truly,

+ 1
Wowie Groovie !
Derek Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:Like the guy or not, that is a pretty good burn.

But still, he doesn't know grammar or proper spelling.

Well, when a kid with downs syndrome wins the 100m at the special olympics, you don't laugh at him when he trips on his way to the podium. I'll allow Uncle his one and only moment
Wowie Groovie !
This is scary.

Quote:Hi Trevor,

I already tried to get on their show. I e-mailed them about it and I called their business line 3 times and left a message on JT's
voice mail (message #2). This was last Thursday. I wanted to go on air and give props to all those who successfully punked me with those IBS e-mails. ( I know people who are afflicted with this very life altering ailment, so the subject matter was personal to me ). I stated so in both my e-mail and my voice mail. Some of those e-mails were actully very funny.

I did not get a response from JT or anyone at the Free Beer Show.. That was a spontaneous decision I made that day. The spontaneousness is now lost. I'm no longer feeling it. So I really don't care to go on that show for any reason whatsoever.
Timing is everything!

I'm new to computers and public exposure. Right now, I'm just having a little fun at the expence of the Free Beer show and some of the hate mailers. And yes, I've made some mistakes.

One thing that the Skunk Beer show helped me with is pointing out a fundemental flaw in my demo packages. I don't mind hate mail. I expect it because of the taboo nature of the lyrics. So I set up an e-mail especially for reviews and hate mail.


<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->

(pull finger review )

The last thing that i want to do is insult the tastes of a potential friend in all this. But to be honest with you Trevor, I no longer want to go on their show. I've been listening for the past 2 days. They sound like the stereotypical pointy eared white upper class eletist country club boys. I would consider it an embarrassment to go on their show at this point.

Today, Eric Zane publicly admitted that he called the police to get "permission" to drive 95 mph in a 75 mph zone. (Wadz the matter, is Zany Boy afraid of a little old speeding ticket? How rock'n roll, the true spirit of rock'n'roll rebellion. He's lucky they didn't cite him with reclous abuse of 911).

Someone on the show kept referring to a kidnapping/rape/bondage crime as "inapropriate", over and over again. I totally get understating a haneous action as legitamate form of sarcasm. But it didn't come accross that way at all. Furthermore, the side kicks didn't even play off of the comment. That comment was begging for a little self deprecating humor, but they left it out their on the ledge to fall over. Seeing how it was a woman who was the perp and how the victum was a man, they didn't even try to find out if the woman was hott or not. They left that hanging too.

Thanks for your e-mail Trevor, but I really don't want to defile myself by going on such a lame ass show as theirs.

My main purpose for my last e-mail was just to push at the haters just a little, to see what kind of a response I'd get. That's all.

Thanks for your e-mail Trevor. (-:

Uncle Pullfinger

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 1:42 PM, Trevor Haworth <[email protected]> wrote:
I did hear it on their show. You should try and setup an interview with them to clarify what you mean with them. This will clear it up! Good luck.
fullcollapse9 Wrote:iCollege wrestling isn't anymore homo-erogenous than...............
...........A grown man calling another grown man "Hott Wings!" I could never call any man any nickname with the word "Hott" in it.
Hott Shower
Hott Sause
Hott Cakes
Hott Stuff
Hott Day
Hott Beer ... ......he he!
Hott Dogg
Hott Soup
Hott Sun
Hott Cell Phone
Hott Merchandice
Hott Whatever

I have to admitt, today"s show has better flow than the previous 2 shows. But they are still the Shunk Beer and Gay Wings Morning Show.I sincerely hope that my reviews of their show is not pissing anyone off out there. Naah, I'm just being parinoid, right? Because after all, they make fun of their own selvs, right? So why should they care if I throw a little more sarcasm in the mix.

For those of you who don't know. Yes, I know some of the support e-mails were bogus. I got punked. I new since Thursday morning of last week. Just as I was starting to figure it out, 2 people sent me each a tip off e-mail about it.

Later on, I tried to get on the show to give props to the e-mailers that punked me. Some of those e-mailers were hysterical. There are 2 that are classic. I called their business line 3 times to see if they would put me through and I e-mailed the show.

It was a completely spontaneous situation and they have not yet to this day responded. Why would the Skunk Beer and Gay Wings Morning Show pass on an oportunity to rip on Pullfinger to his face, live and on air? Why would he deny you, the audience to phone in and rip on me yourselves?

Well, that was then, I no longer want to go on their show. Especially after hearing how aweful they are.

In closing, i'd like to give some props to the Shunk Beer Show. They are broadcasted on 16 radio stations.

Considering how lame and boring they are,that is a true broadcasting feat. No wonder they won a broad casting award a couple of years ago.

He he!


<[email protected]>

Aug 7 (6 days ago)


<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->


Aug 7, 2008 5:52 AM












holy shit... learn to spell. I think he calls him "gay wings" because obviously he can't spell "Hott". and "please forgive my upper case".... just hit caps lock dude, then you don't even need to apoligize!

Wow, i really could love to hear them talk to this guy on the air, for real. He would be so clueless. I know the guys put pullfinger to bed but this would be comedic gold!

Just got another email from this loser. Apparently now he has a personal vendetta against our boys at FB&HW. I guess he's mad to get the only attention and publicity he'll ever receive. Then, something else hit me - when I get these emails he sends, he is basically publishing all of our names. Now, I'm sure that list is about 98% listeners, so it doesn't really matter, but does anyone else have a problem with this?
dear eric zane,

i hate you.

because i did your stupid email uncle pullfinger prank idea, he won't stop talking to me.

make him go away. thanks.
yeah its really annoying. I told him that he is a talentless a-hole and that he needs to stop sending me his bulk email or ill report him to hotmail and get his account shutdown. lol.
He wants attention and payback. He is extra pissed because he is listening to the show and they're not talking about him.

Ignore him and he'll eventually get bored and go away. I used my "spam" e-mail address on purpose just because I knew he'd "pull" something like this.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
enormousgenitals Wrote:Just got another email from this loser. Apparently now he has a personal vendetta against our boys at FB&HW. I guess he's mad to get the only attention and publicity he'll ever receive. Then, something else hit me - when I get these emails he sends, he is basically publishing all of our names. Now, I'm sure that list is about 98% listeners, so it doesn't really matter, but does anyone else have a problem with this?

yeah i noticed this too! I get enough crap email as it is so i don't mind.

But I know who's getting christmas cards this year!! ;D
That jerk.
This is my reply to his bulk email he sent to everyone:

Stop making fun of the best morning radio show EVER. The reason they haven't responded is because they want to leave the situation alone. They don't want to talk about it anymore, they've moved on. Free Beer and Hot Wings are better than any morning radio station in the midwest, and are syndicated on 18 different stations, not 16. The reason they call themselves Free Beer and Hot Wings is because they went to the same college and started a college radio station. They picked nicknames that college kids would relate to, thus Free Beer and Hot Wings. What college kid doesn't like free beer and hot wings? So the name stuck. They have talked about changing their names, but it's too late, they're more popular then ever now.

So if you would kindly stop and leave the situation alone, I don't want to get any more emails. If they are so awful, why are they on 18 stations in several states and continuing to grow? It does piss me a off a little bit because I am a loyal listener to their show, and I am sure you are going to get tons of hate mail now. Their message board alone that was only created a month or two ago has almost 2000 members and is continuing to grow and they have millions of listeners. I doubt you will ever get such a fanbase. Leave Free Beer and Hot Wings ALONE and find something else to spend your time doing, like creating better songs.

What an idiot!!!
That'll help.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
i'm expecting everyone to get a bulk email in reply to your email... all 100 or so of us.
enormousgenitals Wrote:Then, something else hit me - when I get these emails he sends, he is basically publishing all of our names. Now, I'm sure that list is about 98% listeners, so it doesn't really matter, but does anyone else have a problem with this?

Me. I don't like that I've now been added to his mass e-mail list.

I know that I fired the first shot, by e-mailing him initially, but he responded to that one specific e-mail, and I haven't written him since. That should be the last I get from this moron.

Looks like it might be time to start adding his e-mail address to random spam lists.
already did Wink
i sent him Goatse. that'll shut him up.
I wonder if he has seen 2girls1cup?
latest douchebag email:

Me he he he he!!!

Now what's the point in a little lovable prank like sending Someone's Pissed At Me to someone's e-mail if you don't get a report on
the success of the hit. So here we go:

141 spams so for.

0 opened.

141 spams successfully flagged as spam!

For those of you that don't know how to use the Report Spam icon, I'll keep you posted of the "Pullfinger Spam Report-port-port-ports!"

Maybie the Stale Beer and Ecolli Wings Show might want to do a daily segment on it. They suck so bad they might fall..... .....ugh, i mean go for it!

lol to all my new e-mail pen pales, courtesy of the Shunky Beer and Gay Wings Show. Thanks guys!

Now, pull my finger!

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